twenty seven.

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They traveled for quite some time, the Prince and his lady. The cooling atmosphere of greenery, vivacious bushes, and growing hills calmed Leah's nerves. The memories of the horse that betrayed her on the hunting outing battled to invade her mind, but Harry's presence and the peaceful chirp of seasonal birds pushed them away.

She had a firm grasp around his torso, her feet tapping his on the sides of the stallion. The sun was beginning to set and the sky turned into a crisp work of art. Strokes of pink and blues swarmed their vision.

Clouded by the beauty Earth had to offer, the lovers almost forgot about the guards and Louis trailing behind them in the distance. They were alone, but not truly alone. And Harry wanted to be alone.

Without a word, he picked up the reins of the horse and flicked it to the side, causing the animal to huff and move to the right, picking up its pace and galloping through the field shielded by full trees.

"What are you doing?" Leah gasped when she caught her breath from the whiplash. She fisted his woolen jacket in his petite fingers, wincing in fright.

"I figured we could spend some time alone together," he simply answered, finding her palm with one hand and squeezing it.

Ditching the pack behind, Leah knew what kind of trouble he was causing with each trot forward they reached. She felt a sense of importance and love deep within her. Harry is willing to get in trouble just to spend time alone with me.

There were faint shouts in the distance. His name, her name. But the tall oak trees and thick, green vines coating the forest shaded the pair. Leah did feel bad for Louis, for he was left alone on a guard's horse with his front pressed upon another man's. She could just imagine the blush that refused to leave his cheeks.

After a few minutes of quick trotting, Harry had the gorgeous stallion slow down and Leah opened her eyes. Wow. Everything was stunningly beautiful. Distant hills spotted with grazing animals and dancing flowers that swayed in the wind captured their attention.

"Would you like to take a walk?" Harry asked, turning his head around to grin at her.

The girl nodded excitedly, "Yes please."

The horse was halted completely and the Prince jumped off first to tie the reigns to a nearby tree. After doing so, his hand reached up to grasp hers. Her feet hopped down on the dry grass with a thud.

Having been in the countryside her whole life, the peasant girl was shocked at how in awe she was at this part of the kingdom. Her eyes had never seen this area and it was beyond lovely.

"Do you think they'll find us walking out here?" She asked him, glancing into his sparkling green eyes as he held tightly to her hand.

They left the horse securely tied to the thick tree and it found entertainment in nibbling on the grass.

"Doubt it. They're most likely on a path that lead in the opposite direction. That's a clear one, we fought through the forest just to get here."

Out they went into the fields and mountain range that stretched forever. The sun held back a tad behind the clouds, not fully giving into spring. They walked on and on, pausing at times for Leah to bend down and pick flowers, claiming if she gathered enough it could make a nice bouquet to give to her mother.

The smell of clean pine teased their noses and Harry absolutely loved the fresh air his lungs were breathing in. He rarely ever got to leave the castle and he was enjoying this small break in the trip so much.

Prince Harry paused his footsteps and motioned for Leah to sit down. They sat there in the grass for some time in peaceful silence.

"That's Wales over there," Harry finally spoke up, leaning on one arm to point to a strip of land in the west. She followed his finger to a slim area between a range of hills to the country.

The girl let out a sigh. "I've never even been to Wales yet I'm supposed to trick people into thinking I'm related to their Royal Family."

She gulped down her anxiety as he drew an arm over her shoulders, tugging her closer.

"I know it's not the ideal situation. I wish you could live your true life. But society thinks differently and no one could possibly understand or accept our relationship. It's for your safety that we hide your identity. Trust me." His voice was always so soothing to listen to.

Leah let out a breath, shutting her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder.

In the following moments, Harry's aura altered. One moment he was explaining why she must pretend to be Welsh, and the next was him acting all fidgety. He rustled his legs on the grass almost uncomfortably. At times, Leah thought he was going to say something, but when his mouth opened no words came out. It seemed to trouble him. His brows were knotted together in a frown.

His arm left her back to frustratingly push through his hair. Her lips parted in confusion, watching him. He seemed tempted to speak, but maybe it was only an illusion. He looked as if there was an internal battle taking place in his mind.

"Are you okay, Harry?" She worriedly asked, reaching forward to timidly touch his cheek. He leaned into the affectionate action.

His mouth nervously opened and to her surprise, words were formed. "I..Leah, things are going to change around this country soon. And it's going to be hectic for a while. I'm going to be away for long periods of time and you're not always going to be able to be by my side. I will have jobs to do and people to talk to. I may be away from the castle for some days. But when I come back, I want you to always be there. And..and I want some sort of promise or oath connected between us, so that when I leave I know you're mine and everyone will know you're mine, and they won't bother you. You will be protected. I just- I need that bond to keep me sane in these upcoming months." Harry stopped to glance into her eyes and her heart began to rhythmically beat faster and faster. "Leah, will you marry me?"

Heh. I hope you all enjoyed the ending ;) Just a quick note, in case you were thinking this, yes Harry is proposing quite soon into their relationship, but there is obviously a reason behind it.

So! Question: do you think Harry is proposing because that's what his mother always wanted OR do you think he truly wanted to propose because of his genuine feelings for her? Let me know what you think!

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