"Ughhh my head hurts."
Graduating Med student, Minatozaki Sana muttered under her breath as she leaned on the library's shelf.
"I guess I'm reading too much these days that it's causing me concussion." Sana closed her eyes and counted 1 to 5 before taking a deep breath.
It feels a lot more better now.
Sana grabbed the books she needed and was about to go out when her eye caught a baby blue pullover that hugged a petite figure's body carefully. Sana didn't know what kind of inhuman force drew her in but in a matter of seconds, she found herself sleekly sitting across the said person.
The girl had eyeglasses on, her hair was blonde and she has the most adorable features Sana have seen in the entire world. Okay that was a bit exaggerating but still true. The girl still didn't somehow noticed her and Sana took that liberty to glance at the book she's reading.
Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs?!
Wow that's actually kind of cute. Wait, she's kinda cute.
"Do you know that the word dinosaur means terrifying lizard. This name was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842." The girl suddenly blurts out without looking up from her book.
Sana even had to check her surroundings if she's talking to someone but found none.
"The oldest known dinosaur is Eoraptor, a meat-eater that lived 228 million years ago." The girl continued but this time she took off her glasses and looked up to her.
Sana swore the girl before her had the most gorgeous monolid eyes she have ever seen in her entire life. Something about those eyes, it's so captivating. Her skin, goshdarn she was shining so bright.
"I see you took a liking to my little buddy here." The girl spoke, patting her book in tiny. Oh if only Sana could squeal freely right now.
"My name is Dahyun..and you are?"
Snap. Sana was oggling too much. Her brain is not functioning properly. Perhaps the beauty before her is the reason.
"u-uh Hi!" In the end, Sana let out a high pitched greeting which made a few students look at her weirdly. She just raised her two fingers and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, I'm uhh I'm Sana! Nice to meet you." Sana managed to finally say and shook her hand.
"Sana, Sana. What a nice name!" Dahyun compliments, setting her book aside.
Sana blushed at this, "Thankyou. I guess you're into Dinosaurs and stuff?" Sana asked, slowly regaining her balance.
Dahyun hummed at this, "I took a great liking to this when someone special introduced them to me."

Dahyun One-Shots!
Fanfictionall overrated and underrated dahyun ships available! but mostly Dayeon, Mihyun and Saida. Enjoy~