Sana was running late for her cheer practice, luckily enough their coach is currently in a faculty meeting which left them to their own devices. All they had to do was practice their routines and conditioning their bodies.
"Ya! Shiba!" Their Captain, Im Nayeon yelled across the field, getting the attention of a certain junior who's busy reading her textbooks on the bleachers.
Sana sheepishly smiled and even held out a peace sign.
"Let me guess, you're with that Sehun guy again aren't you?" Her co-cheerleader, Joy said.
When Sana arrived, everyone was doing some stretching and since she's still in her school uniform, she has to go change first before she can join them and that's where she was met with Joy's teasing and Momo's snicker.
"Even though Mitang keeps on telling you Sehun's a bad choice." Momo added.
That comment made Sana scoff and close her locker a bit too hard, "That actually came from someone who's in a relationship with a certified manipulator."
Joy just shrugged, thinking it was true anyways so why would she retaliate to that?
"You're dating a basketball player Sana and you're a cheerleader. Did you know? According to Wattpad 90% of these kind of story wouldn't end out well?" Another voice came in.
It was Ahn Hyejin, covered in sweat as she proceeds to grab a bottle of water from her locker.
"What she said." Joy followed.
This doesn't mean Sana's also in the safe side. Sehun was that mysterious student and the rumors so far aren't that good and of course Joy's just looking out for her friend.
Sana just finished changing her clothes and is now tying her hair up into a ponytail when she gave them a response, "That might be the case but then again, you won't hurt your heart if you won't give 'em."
Momo rolled her eyes before throwing Sana her pompoms, "Yeah of course, how can we forget you're literally known as the flingster of our batch."
Hyejin turned around, water bottle still in hand, "Flingster? The fuck?"
Joy was also done changing and gave Hyejin an arm around her shoulder, "It's the cousin for the word casanovette~ a casanova!"
Sana smiled sweetly at her before folding her uniform and placed it in her locker.
"The only difference is that a casanovette are often viewed as having many relationship st once while a flingster is someone who has many relationships one at a time." Momo explained but even after explaining it, she flashed this confused japanese visage of hers along with an 'Eh?' which made Hyejin and Joy laugh.
"You're all idiots. Let's just go or else Nayeon-unnie will kill us."
"5...6....7...8.. All right! Let's take a break girls! We're getting better, good job!" Nayeon yelled before she stood up from the ground to wipe her sweat and check her sns.
The girls were diffused into a series of chatters when Sana whined after finding out someone spilled her water.
"Who the hell did this? Pleaseeee the cafeteria is so far from here. I don't think my legs can keep up." Sana complained.
"Sorry to break it to you Sana but I think it's just the wind. Look, you placed it next to a cardboard." Eunbi pointed at the fallen cardboard and Sana can only shake her body while stomping her feet as a deep pout appeared on her face.

Dahyun One-Shots!
Fanfictionall overrated and underrated dahyun ships available! but mostly Dayeon, Mihyun and Saida. Enjoy~