It's a once in a blue moom 2 weekd break that the company usually DON'T give them and that is why they looked so relaxed and refreshed for the past few days. They still stayed in their dorms though. Nayeon, Sana, Momo and Chaeyoung are re-watching Mean Girls, Mina is currently destroying Dahyun in a game with Jeongyeon and hyping her while Jihyo, she's been out to grab something from the company building.
"Minari." Dahyun whined when she helplessly lost once again.
Mina can't help but giggle as she pinched Dahyun's cheek.
"Dubs just accept the fact no one can beat her in this." Jeongyeon snickered.
"Well I'd still like to take my shot!" Dahyun huffed as she took the controller once again.
"You've been trying your shot for 2 hours now." Jeongyeon retorts making Mina laugh.
"Well I'm always free. I'd play with you anytime Dahyunnie." Mina reassured her and that made Dahyun smile at her before sticking her tongue out at her Jeongyeon-unnie.
Then, without any warning, Park Jihyo barged in through the door, slightly panting with her eyebrow already raised especially at the close proximity of the two (Dahyun and Mina).
"Eyy Jihyo do you—"
"Dahyun's not playing any games tonight." Jihyo stated so firmly that it made Jeongyeon and Dahyun look at each other.
"Huh? But unnie, why?" Dahyun asked, not really having the slightest idea as to why their leader is acting this way.
"161cm seriously Dahyun? Don't you think that's a bit too much of a jump?" Jihyo spat and Dahyun instantly knew what she's talking about.
Dahyun can only smirk, "Why? It's my official measurement. You can ask sadness-unnie."
"No, you're coming with me. I'm going to measure you myself." Jihyo grabbed Dahyun by her collar and dragged her away from the two who's clueless at what's happening.
With the consent Jihyo received earlier when she dropped by, the two successfully arrived at the company building and immediately went straight to the practice room where the stadiometer can be found.
What happened is Dahyun posted in bubble how she grew and told the fans they should change her height in her official profile. Jihyo saw it and is not having it, that's why she immediately drove back to their dorm to drag Dahyun all the way here, not letting her live with her new height in peace. Just for a measurement check.
"Take off your shoes and swtand there. If you ever try cheating on me I'll snap your neck." Jihyo threatened her and Dahyun was supposed to get intimidated but instead her teasing smile grew even wider.

Dahyun One-Shots!
Fanfictionall overrated and underrated dahyun ships available! but mostly Dayeon, Mihyun and Saida. Enjoy~