Dominant [DahMo]

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"You are whipped."

"N-No I am not! I just want to be a dom okay?"

As soon as a certain ravenette with colorful highlights said that, her older friend choked on her drink.

"Oh my God Jihyo! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jeong thanks, now KIM DAHYUN! Where the hell did you learned that!" Jihyo scolded.

The ravenette namely Dahyun just plastered a pout as she fiddle with her fingers. "I was with Sana unnie yesterday and she told me that I have the potential to be a dom and I can't help but search it up in the net." She slowly explained.

"So that lead you to this idea of getting abs?" Her other friend who's shorter than her by some inches, pointed out.

Dahyun just nodded at her.

"Oh my God, I should of have known! Leaving you with Sana is the worst mistake I've done in my life as a mother. I am so sorry Dahyun, that won't ever happen again. I'm so gonna kill that squirrel." Jihyo dramaticall said pinching the bridge of her nose as their blonde short-haired friend, Jeongyeon comforted her.

"Well Dahyun, you don't necessarily need to have an abs to look dominant plus if you do have one, you're still sho-AWW AWW Jihyo!"

"Do not tolerate nor bully her!"

When Dahyun understood what Jeongyeon was trying to imply, she sunked into her seat, feeling even more depressed. She's never gonna look like a Dom isn't she? And there's also her height. She groaned and covered her face with her hands.

"Now now dub, I don't think Momo would mind. She loved you the way you are. You're cute, adorable and funny. Who wouldn't fall inlove with you?" Her shorter friend, Chaeyoung, tried to comfort her.

"That's the point! I don't look intimidating at all!" If Dahyun wanted to be honest, She already tried her first luck in a
gym but quite failed when she already gave up before starting and the fact that an ice-truck passed by didn't helped at
all. She's indeed a baby, She's her girlfriend's baby.

"Why don't you ask Momo then?" Her younger friend suggested.

"That's a good idea Chaeng! Yeah dub, you should definitely ask Momo to train you." Jeongyeon seconded.

"As for me, I don't want you to go through what Momo went through just to lose weight and gain her body physique. We love you the way you are Dub but if you're that determined then I guess asking your own girlfriend would be the best thing to do." Jihyo motherly explained.

"Ask her huh.."

Later that day, Dahyun was the first to arrive in their apartment since Momo's shift is not yet over. She looked around
her room and saw a picture frame containing that of her and Momo's picture. She gently picked it up and she found herself smiling at it.

She sat down infront of her computer and started typing things and the first thing she saw it the word push up, surely she's familiar with it since it has been taught during her high school days so she immediately positioned herself on the floor and started doing some push-ups. She started slowly, stopping many times as she did but eventually she got used to her weight and gradually does it thought not so long after, she heard the apartment door opened and she knew that her girlfriend is home.

"Dahyunnie~?" Momo called. She didn't respond though. Momo was on their bedroom's doorway, she can't quite see her reaction but after a while, Momo leaned on the doorframe and crossed her arms as she let out a giggle, "You're doing a guy's push up structure babe." And that's what all it takes for Dahyun to froze. She did it. She messed up. Oh how she wished she'd just
magically vanish.

Her muscles tensed up when her girlfriend had managed to slip under her as she was having her little reverie. The blonde was smiling cutely at her and her heart can't help but do a full back flip. Momo cupped her cheeks and looked at her straight in the eyes. "One push one kiss." She spoke.

Dahyun was confused that she have unconsciously raised a brow. "h-huh?"

"It means that everytime you push down, you get to peck at my lips. Trust me, it'll help with your little exercise." The blonde explained sending her a wink which redden the ravenette's face.

Now that she got what her girlfriend means she gulped. Sure they kiss a lot but Dahyun can't deny that everytime they do it feels like the first time. Momo is now smirking. Dahyun knew Sana's a snake but Momo.. God Momo and her seductive side.

She gulped once again before she lowered herself to take a quick peck then pushed herself up.







Dahyun was getting good at it and Momo was right, it is indeed helping her. She no longer mind the pain because for her what matters most is that she can peck her girlfriend's lips but when her 30th (tbh she lost count already) peck Momo suddenly snaked her arms around Dahyun's neck and pulled her closer for a deeper kiss, Dahyun was surprised at this but eventually she gave in and kissed her deeper, immediately slipping her tongue in when she got a chance and it earned her a moan from the blonde.

Before they can even go deeper as ever, Momo slowly pulled away. She looked at her lover and smiled sweetly, "Now mind telling me why you're doing this?"

There it is, that question. Dahyun looked away, propping her knees on the floor. "Iwannalooklikeadombygrowingabs." She
rapped. It took a while for Momo to understand it, she released a high-pitched laugh and Dahyun pouted at that.

"Awwww." Momo cooed. "You know I love you the way you are, right?" Instead of giving a comment, Momo replied by wrapping her legs around Dahyun's waist and pulled herself up by hooking her arms around Dahyun's neck. She gave the younger a seductive stare before whispering. "Besides we both know you're dominant in something else." She winked ang that's all what it takes for Dahyun to lose her sanity as she used up all her strength to pull Momo and herself of the ground
and starts to walk towards the queen sized bed.


Dah + Mo! Royal ship. Should have a comeback, I miss them. Plus this is the first one-shot I ever made 

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