[4] - Tundra

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"Before we get going, I'd like to share a few rules Satoru and I have regarding the Blood Tundra." Haki spoke up from the front of the travelling group.

After the group had finished resting, they resumed their trek without hesitation. The Sparkless had yet to reach the portal located in Mugmyre Marsh, and they still had a while to go.

"Rules? Why do you need rules for a simulation?" Kaya questioned, looking down in disgust as she realized she'd stepped in a rather deep puddle of mud.

"The Blood Tundra is different for us. It just... reeks of evil, you know?" Haki tried to put it into words.

"I get what they're saying," Auris nodded as they walked. "I never liked the Blood Tundra. It always creeped me out." She added.

"I guess I get that." Kaya sighed as she attempted to flick the muck off of her paw. "What're the rules, then, Haki?"

"Just three: always travel in pairs, never touch the strange wildlife, and never, EVER, enter the village."

"I think I'm beginning to see why you two haven't found that kirin yet." Kaya mumbled loud enough for Auris to hear.

The group travelled in silence for a few more heartbeats before Auris began a new conversation.

"Hey, wait a second," Auris' curiosity got the best of her. "How did you three lose your sparks?"

"Honestly, I can barely remember." Haki was the first to explain. "All I remember is that I'd found some sort of portal. Something attacked me, and then I guess I just woke back up here."

"The same happened to me." Satoru added from the back of the group.

"Wait, seriously?" Kaya seemed surprisingly disturbed. "That's what happened to me, too."

All eyes turned towards Auris, who stared back in return. "Wait. Were we seriously all attacked by the same werewolf?" Her voice caught in her throat. How could that be? And better yet, why?

By now, the entire group was creeped out, and they hadn't even made it to the Blood Tundra yet!

"So that thing was a werewolf?" Kaya's shocked voice broke the silence. "How did you see it?!"

"It... came up to me." Auris remembered the frightening moment when she was cornered, and she felt the fur on her neck stand. "It took my spark and ran-- or, at least, a piece of it."

"Auris, did it have a spark on its head, too?" Haki asked desperately.

"I..." Auris paused, conflicted with her blurred recollection. "I don't know." She gave in. "I'm sorry, Haki."

"That's okay. It's perfectly fine, actually! This proves that there is a world beyond the game! Don't you see?" Haki leapt up into the air excitedly. "This is proof! That werewolf is one of the ancient beings! Which means--"

"There really is a world beyond the game." Even Satoru sounded shocked at the realization. "You were right all along, Haki."

"Yes! I knew it!" Haki leapt up a few more times.

"Hold on a moment!" Kaya shook her head. "We can't celebrate just yet! We don't know why that werewolf would attack us! What could it be after?"

"I don't know," Haki pondered something for a moment before turning back to Auris as they trekked. "Auris, you're a fairly new Sparkless, right? What do you remember from your... werewolf encounter?"

As they continued their walk, Auris filled them in with what she could remember. After a brief silence, they continued their conversation.

"Sounds like that werewolf doesn't like Sparks very much." Kaya mused. "That could be why it attacked."

Sparkless - A Fer.al Novel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now