[7] - Shinigami Siblings

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The manticore village was the fullest it had ever been. Every beast was present, not wanting to miss the historical event that would soon take place.

It was finally the third day: when the Sparkless would share their decisions. The manticores kept their distance, uncertain if they wanted to be close to the group when their choices were revealed.

Auris and the other Sparkless emerged from Xio's den after being awoken by the manticore. The sky was still shrouded in darkness; they needed to leave as soon as the portal opened, as suggested by Xio and Bee themselves.

In Auris' mind, everything would be okay. She was sure that they'd stick together and stop the war once and for all-- what could possibly go wrong?

The Sparkless stood in a circle in the center of the village, eying one another nervously. Xio and Bee sat close behind them, not wanting to disturb their conversation.

In the center of the Sparkless' circle was a pile of five pre-packed satchels, filled with all the resources they'd need for a few days of travels. Though, they weren't sure how many would be taken...

"So this is it, huh?" Satoru was the first to speak. "Who's going first?"

    The Sparkless remained in a disturbed silence. Not one dared to come forward immediately, afraid of the others' reactions.

    "I'll go." Haki finally stepped up towards the circle's middle. "I'm going through the portal."

    "As am I." Satoru nodded, his head turning to the others. "And you three?"

    "Your choices are your own." Haki reminded them. "We will respect your wishes, whether you stay or come with us."

    "I'm going." Kaya spoke bravely, lashing her tail anxiously.

    "I'm coming too!" Auris barked, wagging her tail. It was exactly as she pictured it to be! They'd go into the portal, venture beyond, and stop the war! Nothing would—

    "I'm staying."

    The words escaped Daisy's lips before Auris' thoughts could conclude. The kitsune's ears fell flat against her head, and she looked to the kirin in denial.

    "What...?" She whispered, distraught.

    "As expected," Satoru mumbled loudly. "You're more concerned of your own safety."

    "Satoru!" Haki cried. "Enough!"

    "Haki, she's making the wrong choice and you know it," Satoru growled. "We're stronger together. What if all hope of a solid plan fails because she didn't come along?"

    "We can still manage," Haki did their best to stop the growing tension, yet it was clear that nothing could stop it. The damage was done. There was no going back. "Daisy, we respect your choice. We wish you well."

    "Clearly she doesn't wish us the same." Satoru's eyes narrowed into slits. "She'll be the death of us all."

    Without another word, the furious dragon grabbed a satchel, turned, and headed into the forestry surrounding them. Haki's desperate eyes darted from Satoru to Daisy before they grabbed their own satchel and followed after their friend.

    Auris looked to Kaya, noticing only then how much her friend's fur had spiked up just from witnessing the encounter. As the senri met Auris' gaze, however, her expression only turned solemn again, and her fur began to recede back into place.

    Kaya grabbed a satchel, padding after the two Sparkless and leaving Auris and Daisy standing in the circle. Auris' disbelieving blue eyes looked to Daisy, and the kirin looked back with a grim expression.

Sparkless - A Fer.al Novel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now