[6] - Village of Beasts

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    "I see something!" Haki's voice snapped Auris from her half-asleep state.

    "What is it?" Satoru asked from behind the group. The dragon had been relentlessly scanning their surroundings since they fled from the werewolves, refusing to stop for a moment.

    "Some sort of... portal? I think?" Haki responded, picking up the pace. "Let's check it out!"

    It had been hours since the werewolf attack, and the Sparkless were still trapped within the strange pink rainforest. They had no choice but to move forward, afraid of stopping for rest. Each Sparkless was exhausted by now; Auris could feel her paws ache each time she took a step, and the thorns buried within her pelt didn't make the feeling any better.

    The five halted before a strange, oval-shaped slice in the air. It appeared as if some giant had carved a hole into the very reality around them.

    "How is this possible?" Kaya peered closely at the strange portal.

    "Is it another trick?" Daisy asked, concerned. "From the werewolves? What if it's Fierce again?"

    "It can't be," Auris reminded them, recalling her first encounter with the werewolf leader. "The portal Fierce uses is dark. This one is much brighter."

    "I hate to say it, but I think we have to take a chance again," Haki sighed from the front. "We're all exhausted, and we need to rest. But I think we all know we aren't safe here in this rainforest."

    "You're right." Satoru agreed. "Haki, would you mind taking a look inside while I'm on guard?"

    "Of course." Haki hopped closer to the portal, inspecting it before sticking their head inside. A few moments passed before they pulled back, relief written in their expression.

    "It's clear. There's actually a pretty nice woodland area over there." Haki smiled. "We can finally rest."

    Overjoyed at the idea of resting, the group wasted no time in crossing through the portal. Auris was just as impressed as her friends were with what they saw on the other side.

    Before them was a massive clearing filled with healthy green grasses. Farther beyond remained a cluster of trees and other greenery that reminded them of home. Hanging over the sky, much to their surprise, were three identical suns that were just beginning to set.

    "We better keep moving to cover." Satoru broke the silence momentarily. The five Sparkless ignored their bodies' cries for rest, instead focusing the little energy they had on reaching the woodland ahead.

    The woodland proved to be a bit farther than they'd thought. Minutes later, Haki tripped on a stone and tumbled to the ground, too tired to go on. Satoru grabbed the jackalope in his jaws gently, placing them atop his back before they continued their trek.

    However, it hadn't been much longer before both Daisy and Kaya fell as well. Auris helped them to their feet, but Satoru disapproved.

    "Help them up," He glanced towards his back, where Haki was already fast asleep. "Let them rest for now."

    Not having the energy to argue, Auris did as she was told. Soon it was just Satoru and Auris awake, but they weren't so sure how long they'd last. They were barely closer to their destination, and stars were now beginning to appear across the sky.

    "You can come up too, you know." Satoru offered.

    Every muscle in Auris' body begged her to agree, but she did her best to push aside her own exhaustion. "I'm okay. You need company, anyways." She declined with a soft smile.

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