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hello to all girls, guys, gays and theys! (and all lgbtq+, as a bi girl i believe everyone should be included <3)

this story is one that i have given my (very divided), undivided attention to (i am in school rn and have been writing this when im supposed to do my homework; as one does). i am very proud of the work i've done for this one, and i hope you like it. it's a slow kinda burn but there will be smut (whenever i have writers block, i write a sex scene because i have horrible coping methods and that's how i cope with things, let's not talk about it).

i, in no way, support transphobic, homophobic, racist, or sexist people (if you are any of the latter, get the fuck out of here). we potterheads are a family and you are welcome here no matter what anyone says (fuck jkr). 

i don't care if you're new to the fandom or old, welcome. i have seen the movies and read the books, but i haven't read the series since fifth grade so spare me the details. i am going to try my best to stick to the plot line of the series because i like to be specific about dates and so forth. 

i see a lot of fan fics that do casting before the chapters (which i think is so cool btw), but i want to introduce new characters from my own mind through the story and i hope you love them (and hate; some i hope you hate), as much as i do. also, i truly want to grow as a writer, because i can admit now i have lots that i can work on. let me know how im doing :)

also, feel free to comment your own writing and support other small writers (like myself, *wink wink*). no but seriously, if you have something you are proud of, i'll do my best to check it out. also, draco, ron, ginny, hermione, and harry fan fiction recommendations would be *chefs kiss*.

okay, okay, here's the first chapter you ignorant sluts.

love you, enjoy ;)

**TRIGGER WARNING: blood, authority figure abuse**


Hogwarts was not the ideal place to be. To put it plainly, things were absolutely awful.

After the D.A. was disbanded and Dumbledore left us to take the fall, Professor Umbridge became Headmistress. Hogwarts was more of a dictatorship rather than a school and Dolores was in charge. Harry blamed himself for Dumbledore's leave, even after we assured him it wasn't his fault. He was spiraling, and Hermione, Ron, and I didn't know what to do. All I knew is that I had to do something...and fast. That's when I came up with a plan, and I was hoping with my whole heart that it would work. 


June 17th, 1996; approximately two weeks before summer holdiay.

"Miss Vaughn, did you have something to say?" Yes.

"No Professor," I mutter through a clenched jaw. She has very sharp hearing, apparently, and she insists on constantly listening to my muffled snide remarks.

"Really? Because it sounded to me as if you were questioning my teaching methods?" She digs. I take a deep breath, flashing a fake smile. I glance around to the front of the classroom, and sliding my wand from my robe sleeve I mutter a quiet Lacarnum Inflamari.

"I was only wondering how you expect us to learn anything when you don't even know how to defend yourself against a simple fire jinx," I sneer. Her eyebrows raise, and there's a sudden jolt to her toad-like features as she smells the burning parchment. She turns to her desk, where a pile of homework begins to burn. The class all attempt to contain their laughter as she tries to put out the growing flames. With her divided attention I quickly cast a faint lumos  then, nox so that she cannot trace the fire spell and I put my wand in my bag.

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