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 harry still hasn't gotten the vision of sirius yet. next chapter will be...eventful. 

**TRIGGER WARNING: smoking, coping with death of a loved one (again, if you need to talk, hmu i wanna make sure you are okay<3)**


The tears slowly come to a stop, and my breathing becomes shallow. I need to get out of here. The fading light of the evening causes the temperature of the empty classroom to drop. A chill runs up my arms. I stand, knees shaking slightly, and stumble out of the classroom.

In the empty corridor, I realize I haven't transformed in a while, and I'm aching for some air. Quickly checking the halls to be sure no one is present, I feel the warmth of my clothes melting into my skin. Within a second, I'm no longer human. I stretch my wings out to my sides, then with a couple preparatory flaps, I launch into the air.

The cool summer air rushes over me as I sore around the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor towers. With the school year coming to an end, finding out about my mother's death now would give me the summer to sort things out. I wish I didn't, but I miss her. When I successfully became an Animagus, it was her who threw a party for just the two of us. That was the summer going into fourth year, and after that everything turned bad. Darkness took their minds that year, and I blame myself for not seeing it that summer. In a way, I feel as if I should be relieved. One of the evil Vaughn's is gone. But there are still moments that I wished I could talk to her. When she went away with my father, I was scared. Sometimes a girl just needs her mother.

As far as I know, I'm the only Animagus at Hogwarts. Hermione doesn't even know, though I feel like she should. I'm unregistered, and if she knew she'd urge me to go to the Ministry. I don't want to. The secret gives me some time to myself, something only I know, it gives me an escape from the world. The night air against me as a falcon feels cooling, washing away my stress even if it's only for a moment.

I sore around the sky, over the forbidden forest and down through the Quidditch field. After about twenty minutes, my mind is clear of the drowning pain, and I feel ready to go back to the school. I land on the Astronomy tower, twisting my head sharply to make sure it's vacant, then slowly I grow back into myself. I crack my neck and smooth out my mahogany colored hair, running my fingers through it down to my waist. I gaze out across the night sky, stars slowly peeking through the clouds.

"I didn't know you could do that," My head turns sharply to the sound of the silvery voice.

"Oh, Luna, you startled me."

"Did I? Well you seem to be very mind-foggy about something. Is that why you were in Animagus form?" I cringe internally. Damnit.

"You saw that did you?"

"Yes. You are a very stunning falcon by the way. I think a Peregrine falcon, but the eyes are dark not blue. Since when have you been able to do that?"

"Since the summer before fourth year," I explain.

"You know, your Animagus is supposed to reflect your innermost desire and feelings. Since you transform into a falcon, I think your heart is trying to tell you something important. Maybe that could help you clear your troubles," I ponder her words.

"What exactly is it telling me?"

"Well personally I think it represents you throwing away an old life or burden, and starting fresh. You want to choose the right path, don't you?"

"I...well yes actually that's um...that's a really good theory."

"I don't think it's a theory, Corina. I think it's a fact," She smiles delicately, then starts humming some musical tune I don't recognize.

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