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**TRIGGER WARNING: death of a loved one (i know how it feels, you aren't alone. if you wanna talk, message me, ily)**

I stash the device back into my pocket.

"Oi! Vaughn! Maddock!" I turn, meeting grey irises. I roll my eyes and continue walking up towards the moving staircases, my joints only slightly weak now. I'm not sure what was in that tonic of Madam Pomfrey's, but it is making me feel more like my restored self.

"I'm not in the mood, Malfoy," I spit, not looking back. He meets up with us, and Callum stops, looking annoyed. I stop too, matching his gaze towards Draco. The boys tower over me, and I mentally curse my mother's short genes.

"Vaughn I've gotta talk to you...Maddock, mate, how are you?" Callum only nods a hello, which catches both Draco and I by surprise. Callum is one of Draco's best friends, together, they're like brothers. Constantly causing chaos and fighting with each other and other people; but everyone knows that in the end, they'd die for each other. His silent nod hello is new to the both of us. Draco brushes it off, turning to me, "Vaughn, can we talk."

I roll my eyes, tired from the day that I've had, "No." I respond flatly. Draco and I never got along, but grew up together because our parents were close. Even to this day, I find him a nuisance. Watching someone grow into a rich snob doesn't help you learn to enjoy their company. That, and the fact that he is constantly trying to get my friends and I in trouble, him and his stupid Inquisitorial Squad.

Draco looks to Callum for help. Callum shrugs, "She hasn't had the best day."

"When did you two become best friends?" Draco asks sarcastically.

"A half and hour ago, now if you don't mind, I'd like to be on our way," I say looking to Callum.

"Can't we just talk? It's important," I shake my head, and Callum and I turn to walk away. "Well you look like you've been through hell."

"Where do you think I came from?" Callum laughs at my comment as we march off, leaving Draco standing pathetically at the bottom of the stairs to the common room. He looks as though he is about to protest a response, but then shakes his head and walks away. Off of the echoing stairwell, I hear his mumbles.

"Yep, an awful gift from hell no one can seem to return." I roll my eyes, what a prat he is. Callum's dull response to Draco comes back to mind, "Why the cold shoulder, are you angry with Draco?"

"Nope, I just know that you two don't get along and you've had an awful day," I smile at his conscientious effort. Maybe he wasn't so bad, being friends with Malfoy must not be an easy job. "You seem to be feeling better."

"Whatever Pomfrey gave me helped a hell of a lot. That, and Malfoy's presence tends to flare up my attitude. Thank you by the way, I know that our friend groups tend to clash, but I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't entered that office when you did."

"I'm glad I got there when I did, I heard her speaking from the hallway and was worried," We stop at the landing in front of the Fat Lady portrait, but our conversation doesn't end. "I can help you to class tomorrow if you'd like, make sure Umbridge doesn't use the curse again."

I grin at his kindness, his tone full of sincerity, "That's okay, I'm sure my friends won't leave my side after I tell them."

"Ah yes, the golden boys and the muggle born," He says sighing. "I'm sure the chosen one and his friends will somehow find a way to Dumbledore."

"I'm not so sure, we haven't heard from him since he left. He left us to clean up his mess," I say sourly.

"You seem to not be thrilled about that."

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