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[Chapter 2: A blast from the past]


"What are you doing here, Kang Sooyoung?" Taehyung asked, maintaining his cold demeanor.

It was just then, when Lalisa entered the room quietly with little Dong Min.

"Do you take me for a fool, Tae? How dare you file a lawsuit against me?!" She hollered.

"Dear Lord, can you please lower your tone a bit? This is giving me a headache." He requested, massaging his temple.

"You think what you've done is not giving me a headache? After ruining my life, you charge harassment allegations against me. You clearly know my financial situation is not well and my stocks are going down, day by day. Now that you see my vulnerability, you take this as an opportunity to drag me into a criminal breach? And the only answer you have is to lower my voice?!!"

Anger was evident in her eyes; her face had flushed and her heart was violently racing against her heart. To the extent that Dong Min got scared and ran into Lisa's arms and hid his face in her hair.

Lisa tried to calm the boy, by slowly patting his back and whispering into his ear, that there was nothing to worry about.

Sooyoung slumped down onto the chair that wiggled a little under her contact. Taking a deep breath again and pushing her hair back a bit, she decided to continue, but all she saw was Taehyung staring at his secretary and his son.

"We were sorted out, weren't we? Then why- Oh I see now." She said, throwing daggers at Lisa with his eyes. "Its because of her, isn't so? Your secretary or maybe your mistress?"

Lisa was taken aback by the sudden remark her boss's ex made on her; she was sure she could've ripped her hair off her scalp had they met outside the office premises. But for now, she chose to stay silent.

"Shut up Sooyoung. If you certainly are in need of something just say it and get out. Be courteous to her, she's far off better than you, Ms Kang."

"What does she have that I don't? Look at her, she looks like a skinny slut-"

"Enough is enough. Yes, I did file a lawsuit against you, because you tried to manipulate my child. Don't forget, it was you who left immediately after giving birth. You dumped all the responsibility on my head, when I was just starting off my business. And now that you see he's happy, you want money to raise a child by simply throwing him into a hellhole."

"I have legal rights. He's my son."

"And I have the legal custody. Don't speak law with me. You just came here for the money to save your organization from getting bankrupt. Do you even know your child's name?" Taehyung mocked.

"Y-yeah...he's Taeyong...yea...yes." She stuttered as Taehyung laughed at her foolishness. "Good gracious. Merry Christmas and you can leave now."

"I'm not going empty handed-"

"Miss, Mr Kim doesn't repeat a thing twice. The guards will guide you." Lisa said with a tinge of politeness in her tone, at the same time ridiculing her.

"You won't get away from this!" Saying so, she stomped off, her heels clicked as she walked.

"She stepped on my toy." Ding Min got down Lisa's arms and pouted, as he held the poor teddy that lay on the floor.

"Aww, don't worry. I'm sure Santa would get you one for Christmas." Lisa suggested, dusting off some dirt and giving it back to the little boy.

"You think so mommy?" He asked and Taehyung got surprised.

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