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[Final Chapter: Home]


Two Years Later;

Lisa's eyes fluttered open to the dim sunlight falling inside the room. It was snowing outside and the sun rays peeking in through the window as if snowflakes danced in the natural spotlight.

She heard the alarm went off; it's Christmas day, it said. Stretching her arms around a little, she was just getting off the bed ㅡ when a hand from behind pulled her into the mattress again.

"You're awake?" She asked in a warm voice to the person sleeping beside her. "Hmm" he rasped out in his beautiful voice, making her heart flutter.

"Stay a little longer please." Her husband pulled her naked body into his embrace, deeply cuddling onto her.

"Mr Kim, today's Christmas. You have work to do." She grumbled.

"I know I do Mrs Kim, I have apologized to you for countless number of times on that note." Taehyung pouted. "Yeah, but that's not going to help. Did you see how disappointed Dong Min was last night when you told him that you'll be gone for some meetings?" She asked.

"I can't help it, I was about to cancel it had the investors not informed earlier. Will you-" "I understand, Tae. You can't be leaving us behind like this, y'know. It makes me upset too." She heaved out a sigh.

"Aww babe, I'm sorry, really very sorry again. Its difficult for me to say no either, you know how much this collaboration will benefit the company. I promise I'll be back by evening."

"Pinky promise?" Lisa asked extending her pinky towards him. "Yes. I will." He chuckled.

"Hey...what's that line of worry on your face, Tae?" Taehyung didn't answer her question that very moment, but instead pulled her closer to him, resting his chin on her forehead. "Nothing, I'm just thinking how I should convince Dong Min now, he's been ignoring me since last night. I honestly don't know how to convince him." He stated hopelessly and Lisa couldn't help but pity her dear husband.

"Leave that to me. I have an idea which might convince him." A smirk played on her lips as Taehyung chortled, hovering over her.

"The perks of having a wife who can manage everything." He grinned, before pecking her puckered lips.

The house was well decorated and Lisa finally finished arranging the lights. Feeling satisfied with the neat setup, she headed in.

"Eomma!" Dong Min caled her from the living room. "What is it honey?" She saw her son making a Christmas card, scribbling with some crayons and probably asking for a gift from Santa.

"Look." He said, pointing at the television screen. "That auntie came to see appa once, no?"

Lisa diverted her attention to the news, unsure of what her son was talking about. The reporter was delivering an official statement.

"Today it was announced that Ms Kang Sooyoung, the founder and CEO of the famous beauty brand, Kang Cosmetics and Co, is found guilty by the jury's verdict in her crime of assault and sexual exploitation against Kim Taehyung, CEO of Kim Corp. The company has also been accused of money laundering and since then, investors have been pulling out money and shares, that has led to an estimated decrease of about -89% in the stock exchange. This dramatic decrease has led to confiscation of all properties under Ms Kang by the government of Korea and it's now safe to assume that this will be the last of Kang Cosmetics brand. That's for the headlines and now we would like to wish our audience a Merry christmas and Happy Holidays."

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