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[Chapter 3: Baby?]



What was he doing here? After all he did, he dares to show up just like that, on a Christmas Eve, in front of her boss?!

Lisa somehow composed herself. She breathed out, "Oh- Junhoe...uh, hi." Hesitantly, she waved her hand from a distance.

Taehyung rather stood tense; his jaw clenched and his fingers balled into a fist. Ofcourse, everyone knew who Junhoe was, how he broke Lisa's heart just three days before their wedding, into a million pieces. And now he's here. What a surprise.

"Hi h-how are you, baby-" he started to take small steps towards her, when Taehyung suddenly stood in front of Lalisa, surprising her.

Taking Dong Min from her arms, he intervened in a voice, loud enough to be heard.

"I'll take him and get the car. Wait for me baby, hmm?" He pecked her cheek, before balancing his son in his arms, walking away without sparing a glance at Junhoe.

Lisa felt as if air was yanked out of her lungs. Her mind reeled back to process what just happened a moment ago: her boss kissed her cheek, called her baby?!

Her eyes travelled to her ex, who now looked equally stunned, as if he had just been punched in his gut.

"Baby?" He mimicked in Taehyung's tone. "I see..."

"Its nothing how you think it is." Lisa retorted, only to find Junhoe giving her a questioning look.

"So pathetic of you to move on so quick." He grits his teeth, that now puts Lisa into question.

He puts the blame over Lisa when all he did himself was walking out of their relationship, leaving Lisa with a broken heart, humiliation and embarrassment. With such a terrible break up that even her boss can't seem to forget.

Then why not turn things into her favour?

"Look who's talking..." she started. "Maybe it is not exactly how you think it is...yes, I moved on. I have someone. We have been keeping our relationship private, you're the first outsider to know. So yes, congratulations." She plastered a fake smile.

"And here I came with an apology to start things again." Junhoe scoffed.

"Why did you have to take such a great step, honey? You left. And thanks a lot for that, I guess. I'll now take my leave."

Oh God, how much fulfilling it was for Lisa to see the irritation on Junhoe's face. He looks handsome ㅡ he sure does, but adding to it, his shitty attitude remains the same. With a confident smile on her lips, she turned her back as she inched towards Taehyung's car approaching near them.

"Ah oh ㅡ" she halted on her tracks, for one brief second. "Please don't bother to come by again and sincerely keep my relationship with Tae a secret. We will let everyone know when the time comes."

"S-sure." He agreed in repentance before Lisa headed into the car, speeding away.

She merely rolled her eyes at herself, thinking about how she pulled off the facade so well, into actually making her ex believe that she were dating her boss. Everything seemed so real for a moment that she just went on with it, wishing if it were really true.

A sigh of relief left her lips as she settled down, adjusting the seatbelt for the silent car ride.

"Did he say something?" Taehyung's voice pulled her out of her reverie, she noticed him interested in talking with her for the very first time.

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