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[Chapter 4: All I want for Christmas is You]


"Good morning- oh, you're quite early Lisa-ssi." These were one of the first words that Taehyung uttered when he first greeted Lisa. The girl who wore a simple red and white themed dress, cheekily smiled at his response.

"Merry Christmas Mr Kim."

"Merry Christmas Lisa-ssi. Please address me as Taehyung instead."

"Oh...okay sir- I meant T-taehyung." Lisa hesitantly agreed to, although it was quite an absurd move to address your boss by their first name, it made her feel awkward to some sort still she nodded for it.

Dong Min was sleeping soundly in his bedroom, meaning there was enough time to start with the Christmas decorations in the simply sophisticated home.

Checking into the kitchen, she looked into the drawers, the containers for some certain ingredients she needed to prepare a cake and bake some cookies. Taehyung in the meanwhile, freshened up and cleaned the hall, before heading downstairs into the attic for decoration material. This was the very first time Dong Min wanted to celebrate Christmas day and Taehyung had to give into his son's only request.

By the time he was done finding the respective cardboard boxes that contained all the tinsel, bells and the holly. He came up to the kitchen to check on Lisa, only to find the latter confused with the ingredients.

"Is there something I can help with?" He asked with a sudden politeness that startled her. "O-oh, actually I was looking for the baking tray I don't seem to find it around. And also the flour isn't sufficient enough." She replied.

"I'll get a new flour can from the cabinet, the tray and cake mould are all placed on the upper shelf since we don't use it often."

"Okay, got it!" Lisa cheered with enthusiasm to which Taehyung meekly smiled. He placed the sealed glass container on the kitchen platform. Upon turning, he found Lisa struggling to reach the top shelf and standing on her tippy toes wasn't helping either.

Lisa let out a frustrated sigh as she cutely blew some hair falling on her face. She was about to give up when suddenly she felt someone's body pressed against her back. Taehyung's arms brushed hers as he grabbed the cake mould and placed it on the sink to wash it first.

A slight blush crept to her cheeks as she smiled at the short exchange and feeling Taehyung's torso this close to hers only gave her a thought if he could hug her. She playfully hit her own head at the childish thought which Taehyung could fortunately capture from the corner of his eyes.

"You know how to bake?" He asked amusingly as Lisa tied her apron. "Not really, but I've watched some tutorials so my baking talents are quite passable." Lisa just prayed in her mind hoping she doesn't end up burning the whole kitchen because it would be one hell of an embarrassment in front of her boss. "I'm not much of an expert either, maybe I could assist you." Taehyung offered as Lisa obliged.

"Will you crack those eggs for me?" Lisa asked as Taehyung nodded picking a few eggs from the basket as Lisa kneaded the dough and instantly a smirk formed on her lips.

Taehyung who noticed the same pinched closer to Lisa who took some dry flour in her palms and playfully blew into his face who gasped. She giggled at his shocked face and try to run around but instead Taehyung held her wrist and smeared some flour on her cheeks.

The two continued like this for a few moments, as if they had travelled back into their childhood. This wasn't an office scenario with a boss-secretary duo, but of a home and two souls soulfully deep in love but oblivious to their feelings. By the time they came to their senses they had already made a mess of the kitchen.

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