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" Zayyan please try and understand, your not well" I yelled holding his collor and he simply ignored.

" Zayyan" I called out again and this time he glared, " what?" He questioned, straightening his suit,
" Please don't go" I implored, hoping this time he would listen to me.

" I have to go.. it's an important meeting" he said, " but today morning you have been discharged from the hospital" I reasoned.
" So what? I am completely fine" he said showing off his teeth.

" But you need rest" I said and my voice came out solemn,
" Madiya stop it already, it's just a two days trip, and I'll return soon" he said shoving files in his bag.
" Ya just a two days trip for you, but what about me?" I questioned and my voice came out wobbly.

Immediately his head jerked up to me and his eyes softened " madiya please, I beg you, don't cry infront of me, I won't be able to handle" he said turning his head the other way.

" You can go, however who am I to stop you" I said with a sad smile, and sat on the bed, without even sparing me a glance he moved out of the room,
I know he won't leave to Australia like this, without a hug from me.

He will come back and I am sure,
My phone buzzed and I glanced at the caller ID and noticed Sarah calling me,
" Hey madiya" she said immediately once I received the call,
" Hmm.. Sarah" I said.

" I got to know that zayyan bhai is leaving to Australia" she asked,
" Yes Sarah" I said fighting back the tears.
" What so urgent?" She questioned.
" I don't know, what happened all of sudden.. he got a call this morning and then informed us he is leaving" I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

" Stop him madiya " she said,
" I tried to but you know him.. he is so stubborn" I said and after having a lit bit of conversation I hang up the call.

I clenched my knees and started to pour my heart out,
I heard a knock on my door and wiped my tears and wrapped the my hijab on my head.

Opening the door, I saw Dani standing there with a sad smile on her face,
" Diya mom is calling you down" she said hugging my knees and I patted her head nodding.

" Let's go" I said holding her hand,
And Marched downstairs,
Moving towards the dinning area, I saw zayyan on the call.
" Idiot" I mumbled,
" Madiya" mom came towards me, and hugged, I know she is use to this,
Because it's not her first time seeing zayyan going somewhere.

But for me it it, it will be difficult I know that,
" I understand, don't worry he will be fine" she said kissing my cheeks and I nodded my head.

" Bhabhi I know you will miss me, but don't worry I am just going tot he washroom, I'll right back" said Aameen faking his tears and pointing at the washroom door,
I glared and he chuckled.

" Idiot" I said slapping his head and he stuck his tongue out at me and ran towards the washroom,
Mom went to the room leaving me and zayyan alone in the hall.

His back was facing me and he was unaware of my presence,
" If I had the chance then I would have slapped his head" I said through the gritted teeth,
He shoved his phone on the suit pocket and turned towards me.

He took slow steps to reach me and his eyes were having so much emotions in it, I know he will miss me no matter what, " I'll leave now.. take care " he said and placed a quick kiss on my forehead and turned his back.

Taking two steps further, he then turned again towards me and this time I couldn't stop my tears, I let it all out,
He pulled me towards his hard chest and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

I sobbed and tried to push him, but his grip tightened even more, " this is the reason I don't want to see your face" he said kissing my tears,
My eyes were puffy by now,
" Shhh ... Please don't cry" he said kissing my eyes and then my forehead.

" I will cry and it shouldn't even bother you" I said sniffling and his eyes softened, " you know very well, it does matter" he said stroking my cheeks.

I bite my lips, " you need rest Zayyan and your health is more paramount to me then anything else" I said and he smiled shaking his head, " I am fine" he assured and I glared.
" Okay.. I'll leave now, take care" he said taking a step backwards.

I made my way out, following his steps, he glanced at his wrist watch and I heard him cursing under his breath, I glared at his back still walking.

He turned and then gave me a smile,
Kissing my forehead,
Butterflies fluttered in my stomach,
And I held my breath,
he walked out and then sat on the car, he nodded his head at me through the windshield. And soon the tears begin to roll from eyes.

His car moved in it's pace and i walked in, marching towards my room, I placed myself in the bed,
Took deep breaths to calm myself,
To be honest I am already missing his presence,
his scent hang in the room and I inhaled it deeply.

My eyes flickered at the half opened wardrobe and I got a glimpse of white envelope, without even another thought, I stood up and walked towards it, my hand traced the envelope and I knew it's not a good idea to check it out.

Shrugging off the thought I opened the envelope and the next second terror overtook took my features.
I decided to handle the things my way,
But had no idea what will be cost that I had to pay, may be my life,
But I was ready and i knew I had to do this for Zayyan.


Author's note.

Assalamu alaikum ❤️
How are you all doing??

How was the chapter?
I am not sure but I guess there might be one or two more chapters and then my book will come to an a end.

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شمنا بنت أشرف ❤️

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