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Tasbihlover ❤️❤️



I stared at the closed door,
Repeating his words on my mind,
"You, I want you" I leaned my head on the wall, bitting my lips as the tears threatened to fall out.

I let out an exhausted sigh,
Shaking my head to clear these new building emotions within me,
I heard a knock on my door.

Opening it I saw my dad standing there,
Tapping his feet on the ground impatiently,
I gestured at him to come inside.

Coming inside he kissed my forehead,
As his lips curved into a smile,
"Madiya I am not forcing you into this proposal, but let me tell you one thing that zayyan loves you, he took this step to protect you,I understand him and that's the reason I am telling, you give it a chance" he said patting my head and he moved out.

I sat on the floor, crying my heart out,
I didn't plan my wedding this way,
I don't hate zayyan,
It's just that I am not ready for this now.

I have to take a decision now,
They are all waiting for me,
Gathering myself up, I made my way towards the washroom,
Doing wudu, I came out.
Spreading my prayer mat on the ground,
I stood up to pray istikhara prayer,
I sat down raising my hand in dua,
"O Allah! I ask guidance from your knowledge,
And power from your might,
And I ask for your great blessings,
You are capable and I am not,
You know and I do not and you know the unseen.
"O Allah! If this task is good for my religion and my subsistence and in my hereafter_(or said: if it is better for my present and later needs) then you ordain it for me and make it easy for me to get,
And then bless me into it, and if you know this task is harmful for me and my religion and subsistence and in the hereafter_(or said: is it is worse for my present or my later needs) then keep it away from me and me away from it,
And ordain for whatever is good for me, and make me satisfied with it."
(Sahih_ Al bukhari _book 21 Hadit263)

Keeping my prayer mat aside,I stood up,
I don't know this marriage will lead in a good way or bad, but I'll put my faith on God and I know, whatever he does it's for the best.

Taking a deep breath in,
I fixed my hijab, tucking my hair in,
And moved downstairs,
All the eyes turned towards me.

Mumbling my salaam to zayyan's dad,
I smiled at him.
I saw zayyan sitting beside his dad.and clenching his phone tightly in his hands, and many emotions in his face.
I was so engrossed in staring at him, that I forgot they all are waiting for me.

Turning my gaze at my dad,
Who looked at me, hope lingering in his eyes,
I nodded my head,
His face lit up and big smile broke on his lips as he rushed towards me.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly, as a lone tear escaped his eyes,
My eyes then automatically turned towards zayyan,
Who was still staring at me shocked,
He opened his mouth to say something,
But closed it eventually.

Standing up he hugged my dad,
As my dad patted his back,
Zayyan's mom came towards me and kissed my forehead as she whispered
Her voice soft " Madiya, I know you are not ready for this, but trust me everything will be fine, what ever happens it's for the best, and remember one thing I am like your mother and I understand you" I nodded my head hugging her tightly.

Having a little bit of conversation with mariyam Aunty (zayyan's mom),
I excused myself from there,
They all are discussing about the wedding preparations an everything,
The only thing I know is that my nikah is after a week.

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