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Thank for the vote,
And motivation, which honestly made my day.
Thank you sweetheart ❤️❤️

*Sending you a lots of hugs*


Zayyan Hussain Malik's POV:


You can't sleep at night, when your heart is not at peace,
And that's what I am going through now,
I want to make sure she is fine,
I had called Noor,
Madiya's sister, and she informed me,
Everything is fine.

Ahmed uncle was Furious to know about Abdullah, and he was even ready to file a case against him,
But madiya's mom didn't allow him.

I smashed the pillow on my face,
Releasing a helpless sigh,
"Why can't I do anything?" I burst in anger,
Feeling of guilt wrapped my heart,
"Madiya needs me" I chanted this, as the guilt grew larger.

I threw the pillow on the door, as anger took the best of me,
I stood up, and hurried to the balcony,
Taking a cigarette from my pocket,
I lighted it up,
Placing the cigarette in the corner of my mouth,
I inhaled the smoke,to clear my mind
As the sound of thunder echoed.

"I can't sit here and do nothing, when she needs me" I Muttered,
Glancing at my wrist watch, it was already one past thirty,
I called Noor, and she picked it up in two rings,
"Hey Noor, sorry to disturb you, I need a favor from you" I said, and I heard shuffling sound from the other end,
"Yes tell me Bhai, do you want me to open the door of my house for you?"
She questioned, I could feel her smirking,
"How did you know?" I questioned back, shocked.

"I have seen Sarah opening the door for you the other day" she said chuckling,
"Yes I want you to open the door for me please" I said,
"Okay bhai" with that she disconnected the call.

I wore my jacket, as it was pouring out,
Shoving my phone in the pocket,
I headed down.

Sliding in the car driver seat,
I stepped on the gas, as the guards opened the gates,
Taking a u-turn I reached her home.

The lightning hit my windshield,
As I could hear the sound of thunder,
It was dark outside,
but the street light illuminated the way,
To make it easy for the people to walk.

I made my way out,
Running inside, as I saw Noor standing out,
she flashed me a smile,
Gesturing me to come inside,
I climbed the stairs, heading to her room.

Opening the door,
The darkness welcomed me,
As I switched on the light,
I stared at her perplexed,
As she was shaking in terror,
I inched closer to her,
When I heard her mumbling in her sleep,
"No..I don't.. want .. to .. die.."

I eyed her carefully,
Sweat formed on her forehead,
As she was shaking in terror,
I carefully sat on the edge of bed,
Cupping her cheeks.
She sat up abruptly, as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

My heart tightened, staring at her feeble state,
She stared at me bewildered,
I stroked her cheeks, and she relaxed eventually.

"Are you okay?" I Muttered, softly, as the sound of thunder Strom echoed in the room,
Madiya flinched, as she shook her head vigorously,
Sweat formed on her forehead,
And I wiped it off.

"Zay..aan..I..am..sca..red" she mumbled, as a lock of hair fell on her face,
I tucked it behind her ear,
As the reality stuck me, that she has astraphobia.
She looked at me blenched, and hugged me tightly.

Clenching on to my shirt,
I wrapped my arms around her back,
Stroking her hair,
her sobs echoed,
And She shuddered a little, but eventually relaxed in my arms.

I poured a glass of water, which was on the bedside table, still holding her in my arms,
" Shh.. Meri jaan, drink some water, you will feel better" I urged,
Pressing my lips on her forehead.

She shook her head vigorously,
As her lips began to tremble slightly,
"No... I want you to be with me." She said sniffling.
The thought of her going through this
Everytime made my heart Tightened,
I didn't realise when a tear made its way out, followed by another,
I wiped it off.

She stared at me, her face enervate,
Her eyes swollen, and her shoulders hung low,
" Sleepy?" I questioned Flashing her a smile,
She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, biting it on,
As she nodded her head.

She put a pillow on my lap, and I smiled at her,
Putting her head on my lap,
She closed her eyes,
Holding onto my hand.
"Don't leave me" she whispered,
Her voice was strained, hardly even a whisper,
I press my lips on her forehead,
As the night passed,
Her sleeping in my lap,
And me staring at her whole night.






(Lots of hugs for the people who take their time to vote and comment my chapters)

Which honestly makes my day.

♥شمنا بنت أشرف

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