ink x dark slightly yandere childish reader part 2 "the truth"

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(this is the video I got inspired by. I don't own it but please check him out.)

After all, he was your best friend.


Or at least, that's what you thought...


"Ink, ink !!" You hollerd trying to see if he'd just appear or at least make himself known. You found it funny that, even tho this place was similar to the void. other than a few drawings here and there, you still get lost. And you've lived here for a while, this place still confused you.

You began to feel frustrated. 'Where was he?' You pondered whilst taping your foot. All of a sudden a portal opened up in the distance, spitting out blueberry, dream and ink. You smile and sprint over to your friends. Feeling all giddy and excited as you neared the dream team. You truly loved them. They were like family to you. Once you reached them you basically takled blue to the ground in a warm hug, in which he willingly returned.

"Hi guys!" You exclaimed enthusiastically. They looked at you and smiled, slightly laughing as you sorta struggled to escape the bear hug blue was giving you. You loved his hugs but he liked to make them last longer than your ADHD self can handle.
Once he let go you turned twords ink and dream and hugged them as well, just not as tight.

"I'm so glad you're back. I missed you." You said slightly exaggerating your words, which drew a chuckle from them.
"Hello human. We were just out patrolling for trouble." Blue said with that same smile you've grown to addore. his expression changed slightly when dream and ink sighed in looked at them with a worryed expression. " Are you guys ok?" You asked. " Yes we are fine. Cross and killer were causing havic in classic." Dream stated
As he pinched the bridge of his nasle-cavity. You understand why. From what ink has told you, they've been fighting like this for years. It must be stressful.

Ink grinned slightly, jumping into the conversation." On the bright side, they won't make a move without this." He stated as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a locket.

You should be happy for them... But when your eyes hit the swaying, heart shaped object,

Your eyes widened in worry and slight fear.

This wasn't just any locket...

It was CROSSES SOUL locket.

'oh no' you thought as your brain began to mentally freak out. That's his soul!! His very being. 'Poor guy. He's probably having a panic attack.' you thought with a look of concern, which the boys couldn't help but notice. "Human, are you alright? You look a bit pale. Are you sick?"
Blue asked.
"Isn't that.. crosses soul?" You asked completely blowing off blue. Ink looked at you with a confident smile."yup" he stated whilst swaying it a tad more, making you cring a little. " I'm not going to distroy it, but I will hold onto it." He said as he stuffed it back into his pocket. Hearing this made you sigh in relief.  you were still kinda concerned but dicide to brush it off and do what you came over here for.

"Okie dokie. Now I wanted to know if we could play a game."

They looked at you with curious yet happy expressions. "Of course human. What shall we be playing? Mario kart?"
"Hopscotch?" The stars all tried to guess. This caused you to giggle. You shook your head and pulled out 4 paint ball guns, goggles, and some padding. They looked stunned yet thrilled. "Those games are fun but ... I found a new game. It's called moving canvus. Who ever gets their chest plait( which is an actual bullet proof vest covered in canvus paper.) Covered least wins." You exclaimed enthusiastically. They seemed to be excited to cause they agreed and began to grab suplise.

(30 minutes later...)

After you had everything situated, you had divided into teams.
You and ink had (f/c) and green.
Blueberry and dream had yellow and blue.
And with that  you were off. It was fun, you'd been shot a few times whilst dream was almost out. Blue only had a few and ink had only been hit once. You guys were running all over the place. You had hid behind one of the walls the guys set up to make the game more challenging when you notice something shiny in the distance. Your curiousity getting the best of you, you went to check it a stealthy manner. When you made it to the object your eyes widened.

It was CROSSES SOUL. You wondered if ink had dropped it while running. You picked it up and got up to return it but your feet came to a halt. You began to feel bad. This was his soul. And just because ink doesn't have one doesn't mean he can hold on to others. You dicided to keep ahold of it and return it to it's owner later. Just because he causes trouble dosent mean you have to take his " life" .You put it in your shoulder bag and went to go find the others.

Some time later you had shot at dream but missed. You didn't care tho you just injoyed playing with your friends. Anyway you and ink had dicided to stick together in the next round. You each got a new canvus and started over. You and ink were hiding behind a curved wall catching your breath. You looked at ink as he peeked around the corner. You feeling giddy inside, giggled catching his attention. "What?" He asked questioningly. You smiled and hugged him. This  caused him stumble back a bit.

"I'm just glad we're all playing together. It's so much fun. I love hanging out with my best friends." You said with an innocently cheery  tone. You looked up at ink trying to read his face. You were expecting a smile, but his expression was dark and unreadable. His eyes were no longer changing shape, they were small white digets. Your smile fell. "We are friends, right?" You asked letting him go. Then a thought came to mind...

'What if he wanted to be... More than friends.' this caused heat rise to your cheeks. But went away when he began to speak.

Boy were you wrong...


"You really thought we were friends."

"I'm afraid not."

"I could care less what happens to you."

"Do you have any idea how many of you there are, in the vast multiverse."

"Countless, endless versions of you. Some with only small variations within the same timeline."

"You are disposable, replaceable. A cheap toy for my amusement."

"You mean nothing to me. This is all just a game."

He leaned down to your level. Scanning your face. He smiled and put his hand on your now moist face.

"And I am having the time of my life."

He then leaned back and walked away. You were at a loss of words. You couldn't move, like you were frozen in place. You felt tears roll down your face. Your mind was trying to wrap around what just transpired.

That's when you got yanked into a portal from behind...

To be continued...

Holy crap... That's deep. How does the reader handle this unfortunate news? Who's the source of the portal? Wait and see. Thx for reading

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