"True form."

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I got back in the car and drove to work again, I rushed back inside and into the room where those three hooded males were still hanging out in.

"Sorry about that, uhm..me and Paul had to sort out Y/N real quick." Edd looked over and shrugged. "No it's okay, you do what you needed!" Matt then looked over, "Y/N?" He was confused on who we were talking about. "The..the kid Matt, the kid that almost killed the soldier and ran out before they did." "Ohhh okay!" Matt turned back around and continued to admire himself in the bathroom mirror.

Edd got up and walked over towards me,
"so..some news. We were found."


"It's fine though because the soldier said that they won't tell where we were! That's..good right?"

I shrugged, "depends!." I swear to god..if Tord knows already were trapped in here and I'll get killed possibly these guys too.

/time skip to them trying to escape\

We snuck out the room trying to be as quiet as possible but I knew that there were cameras around, I did know a way without getting caught so I had a talk with them before we left. I lead them out but unfortunately there were soldiers outside right at that moment. 'Really, REALLY!?"

- - Edd's POV - -

Patryk lead us outside, there were at least 3 soldiers out near the cars. If they spotted us, were dead. We tried our best to be sneaky and quiet until Matt screamed after seeing himself in a car window as we walked past.


All 3 soldiers looked over and out of nowhere even more appeared running out and towards us. "RUN!" Patryk lead us to his car we all squeezed into the back and he started speeding off.

They tried closing the gates on him but he managed to get out in time, it only scratched the back on his car causing the back window to crack a bit but he didn't seem to care at the moment. He kept speeding away from the building.

/a couple minutes later...\

We're driving down a road everything seeming fine until Patryk looks like he's starting to panic, "hey uhm, Patryk are you okay?" His grip on the wheel got tighter and tighter, he drove down a random street and pulled over, he took a deep breath and let it out.

A phone started to ring, it was Patryk's. He didn't answer it. He just stared at wherever it came from. I saw it and grabbed it for him handing it over, he answered and all we could hear were a man and a young child panicking. "Th-The cops are what!?" Patryk started to panic much more now.

He started the car again and started speeding off to a house that wasn't ours..there were cops all out the front and Patryk told us to stay in the car and we did.

- - Paul's POV - -

Me and Y/N were huddled up in my room, they were freaking out because there were cops all around outside the house, they were here for Y/N..apparently.

Y/N wrapped their arms around me as they continued to cry into my chest, I tightly hugged them back and started to cry myself, this situation was pretty messed up, I felt something wrap around my legs and saw their tail again..I started rubbing their back trying to help calm them down.

They were shaking quite a lot as their skin started turning pale white, their crying started getting louder as they were in great pain, I felt something dig into my skin as I looked over and saw claws, they let me go and moved away from me.

They got up and ran out I tried to follow them but they slammed the door on me, I knocked on their bedrooms door, I heard their cries get even more louder and I started to get over concerned and confused. I opened the door as I manage to move whatever was in the way of it blocking it from being open.

'Experiment'? (Eddsworld Paul X Pat + Monster child! :D) {[COMEPLETED!!]}Where stories live. Discover now