Hiss Hiss Bang Bang

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A/N: Okay I told myself after my first author note a few chapters back that I wouldn't do another one of these random author notes, but I feel like I need to address something that probably should have been addressed a looooong time ago

What I'd like to address is this:

- No Shadowflight is not the female Night Light (apparently named Dart from The Hidden World). He is a completely different Night Light and is descended from one of the three Night Lights. Which one you probably wonder? It's up to all of you

- No Shadowflight's ancestors (one of the three Night Lights) did not mate with it's siblings to continue the species. Yes this was a comment that appears in the comment section in one of the chapters, and the fact that I had to address this is a bit embarrassing. I'm pretty sure all three of Toothless' kids continued the species by taking Light Furies as mates, and maybe a couple of generations went by before Night Lights were unrelated enough to each other to actually take other Night Lights as mates

- No Shadowflight is not a girl. Now as laughable as this is, I completely understand where the whole "if it has blue eyes it's totally a female" misconception comes from, thanks to movies and films deciding to distinguish female animals from males by giving them lighter eye colors (like the color blue). I've had to correct some people in the comments if they ask if this dragon is a "she" because his introduction chapter describes him having bright blue eyes and not confirming his gender until much later in the story, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble in thinking that. One of my own friends' Night Light oc is a male but people kept assuming he's female because he had bright pink/purple eyes. And on top of that a lot of people love giving female Night Fury characters for their stories or art blue eyes to at least distinguish her from Toothless, so I can see why some people mistaken my character as a female before the chapter where Jim and company are deciding on names for the dragon

-No Jim is not a descendant of Hiccup in this story. Now I've been asked this multiple times and have seen people headcanoning it a lot, and often feel a pang of guilt when I have to politely tell the commenter he's not. Originally I was planning on Jim and his mother being a Haddock descendants who obtain the story of their family's history with dragons that was reduced to an old fairytale/myth, but I thought that'd be too cliche of me to do.
And while I like writing cliche tropes in my fics for fun or basing a story off a cliche and actually executing it well or making it better (like my twin sister of Hiccup story that's actually pretty original compared to other Haddock sister stories), I didn't really think this sort of cliche would fit the story well and I wanted Jim to be able to connect with a descendant of Toothless in a way that had nothing to do with ancestral bonds. But I did write the two to have a relationship similar to Hiccup and Toothless, but where they don't have to separate and live their lives apart like the other dragon and rider did.

Okay that's it- for now at least. I'm thinking of holding maybe a FAQ chapter or at least a Q&A chapter where I'll be answering questions anyone has on the story, like explaining stuff that wasn't exactly explained. Maybe when I finish the season 2 episode focused chapters or finish the book entirely I'll do that.
For now, I'm just leaving this here to address some stuff asked in the comments that I have or haven't responded to. And I've already told people in response, having to give answers to the repeated questions I keep getting


"STINKING, HORRIBLE TRAITOR!" Blinky screams as he tossed another set of books into the growing pile of books that were already set on fire. "Shadowflight, would you be so kind to add some more fire to that before it goes out? I want these to be nothing but ashes by the end of the day."

The Night Light gave a yawn and got up from his sleeping spot in the library to walk over to the pile of books and blew a small blast of fire at it before heading back to his spot. All morning and afternoon Blinky had been angrily ripping random books off the shelves and trying to rip them to shreds, it wasn't until a few minutes ago that he made Shadowflight burn a few of the books before adding more to the pile. He really didn't get why the troll wanted to destroy these things, but he could care less at the moment. Right now he just wanted to rest and the strange plant Vendel had given him earlier to numb the pain in his wings was making him quite sleepy, so until Jim came back he was gonna nap. At least until the root wore off.

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