A Night To Remember

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A/N: Shadowflight finally got drawn by aetherstorm_ on Instagram!!


Jim could hardly believe everything was falling apart the second they found Angor’s eye on the stairwell watching them. He actually nearly killed his mother when she tried walking through the door (at least she managed to take his explanation about being a Trollhunter and having a dragon live with them well enough without fainting, Angor managed to get past their defences and traps, then Shadowflight gets stabbed during the fight, followed by his mother accidentally freeing the assassin after they trapped him, cuts Strickler with some kind of poisoned blade that injures his mother as well, and then the car chase with Angor following them and nearly getting into Trollmarket. He still wasn’t sure how Draal managed to tie Shadowflight to the roof of Strickler’s car, but he was at least glad the troll had the sense to try and stop the bleeding before tying him to the roof and running back inside to help.

Right now he was pacing outside of the infirmary of Trollmarket, worried for his mother and his dragon when Vendel walked out, followed by Strickler with a sling and a very tired Shadowflight with a large bandage on the left side of his stomach and limping slightly. The dragon’s face lit up when he saw Jim and limped over to him to press his head against his chest.

“Vendel, how’s my mom?” Jim asks the elder troll as he hugged his dragon’s head tightly.

“She is resting, for now, but we must move her to the Heartstone.” Vendel responds.

“Blinky says that we need to break the binding spell.”

“I agree with his assessment. She cannot properly heal while still bound to the changeling. Unfortunately this is Gum-Gum magic, and I don’t know the proper incantation.”

“No, but he does.” Jim points to Strickler as Aaarrggh and Toby surround him.

“Well are you waiting for an invitation or do I have to beat it out of ya?” Toby snaps as both Aaarrggh and Shadowflight snarl at Strickler.

“I don’t have it with me!” The changeling admits nervously. “It’s in the Book of Gahoil, in my office.”

“We have to go get it.” Jim says with a nod.

“We’ll have to be careful, that crazy psychopath will be there.” Toby agrees.

“Ugh I forgot about Angor Rot!”

“No Coach Laurence! It’s the Spring Fling dance and he will be roaming the halls.”

It hadn’t even occurred to Jim that the dance was tonight. All week he had been so worried about avoiding Angor that the dance had completely slipped his mind.

“Your mom’s life is more important than a stupid dance.” Claire assures him as she turns him to face her.

“I know, but I was looking forward to our stupid dance.” Jim says and Claire gives him a sad smile.

“I know. Toby and I will get the incantation, you need to be here for your mom.”

“You must go now, make haste!” Vendel urged them.

“We got this, lets go Toby!” Claire whipped out her staff and created a portal, allowing her and Toby to leap through and vanish into it.

“What about the changeling?” Aaarrggh asked, nodding at a nervous Strickler.

"Take him to the stronghold." The elder orders. As the two older trolls walk off with Strickler, Vendel turns to Jim with an annoyed look and gestured to Shadowflight. "I suppose an explanation about this creature is due."

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