Return to the Caverns

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The quest to retrieve the Kill Stone ended up becoming a huge failure. While Claire was able to snag the Shadow Staff Angor Rot had been using to follow them and Shadowflight managed to leave a few nasty scratches on the assassin, everyone had been pretty bummed out for the loss of the second stone. Since then things had been spiraling out of control for them, whether or not Angor was involved, like the cursed box that caused gravity to go insane, the pixies that gave weird hallucinations, Jim and Toby causing a huge mess in the library during their search to relieve Strickler of the ring of Angor Rot, and many other misadventures in between that left them on edge.

As of late, Jim had noticed Shadowflight being very on edge, even when they didn't have to be on patrol. The dragon wouldn't stop pacing through the house or backyard and growling at any suspicious thing that moved. He figured ever since they accidentally destroyed the ring and released Angor Rot's soul, and now that the assassin was probably on a warpath, that was probably the reason for the dragon's uneasiness and he couldn't blame him.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Claire asks Jim as they were going down to the canals to enter Trollmarket. "The other trolls might not be as calm or understanding as Blinky or Draal or even Aaarrggh if we bring him into the city."

"They're not going to see him, we'll just hide him in the library for a bit and sneak him into the caverns to let him see his family again, he's been on edge lately." Jim says as they managed to get to the bottom. "Maybe seeing his family for a bit will help him feel better. I don't think the other trolls are ready for him yet."

"You think Vendel should know of this?" Toby asks as Shadowflight walked beside him. "He'll probably find out sooner or later."

"I'm not sure yet,how do you think he'll handle seeing a dragon without panicking too much?"

"Eh, good point."

Once inside the secret entrance, Shadowflight blasted a small stream of fire before he launched himself into it, earning several gasps from Toby and Claire as he disappeared.

"Holy shoot did he just teleport?!" Toby exclaims and Jim chuckles.

"Actually, the heat from his fire causes his scales to do this thing to camouflage his whole body. Not sure how long it lasts or exactly how it works, but that's how he's able to walk around in broad daylight without anyone seeing him." The hunter explains as they start to walk down the stairs and felt something bump into him, followed by a purr. "The dragon book said this was something a Light Fury could do, while Night Furies used the darkness to hide themselves, I'm guessing that the first set of Night Lights were able to have this ability and pass it on to future generations when they took other Light Furies as mates."

"Dude, that's so cool!" Toby gasps. "Man I shouldn't have left my notebook on everything we've discovered about Shadowflight so far, this would have been a new ability to add to the list!"

"His eyes are still visible, he should close them so no one could see them." Claire suggests, gesturing to the bright blue eyes that were floating around. The eyes looked at her before they disappeared, followed by a dragon laugh. "We could guide him, for now."

So far they managed to get Shadowflight through parts of the city that weren't that crowded, taking care to not have his tail accidentally smack anyone or anything surrounding them, at one point having the dragon scale some of the buildings when the streets looked crowded before they arrived at the tunnels.

"Well, here we are." Jim says gesturing to the large tunnels. "Okay Shadowflight, in you go."

The Night Light gave a confused warble as he walked forward, his scales now returning to their normal color as he looked at the tunnels and looked back at Jim in confusion.

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