Lost Ally

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating this in like....nearly a year or so. Work has been taking up a lot of my time, been feeling very unmotivated to update this story, but did not was to discontinue it. I swear after this chapter I will actually try to make time to update, though the updates will be inconsistent. Next chapter isn't gonna be story related, but the one after that is at least gonna be a continuation of the story.

So sorry for the lack of updates, lets see what our favorite Trollhunter and his dragon are up to

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

This is soooooo boring! Shadowflight groans to himself as he rolls over onto his back and lets out an annoyed groan.

Saturdays were normally days off for Jim and that meant spending more time during the day doing some flight training with him, training withToby and Claire in the Forge with the trolls, getting him used to the feel of his new saddle and getting used to the three human's individual weights. Unfortunately today, the three had something called "detention" for reasons he did not understand at all. All he knew was that this "detention" was taking away some quality time with his human friends and not getting to play with them more than during the weekdays.

"Bored because our friends are off at school?" He hears Blinky ask and opens his eyes to find the six eyed troll and AAARRGGH looking down at him in sympathy. "I'm sorry you can't train with them, but in a few hours they'll be out. I believe in the afternoon, usually around the time they get out from school on a regular day."

Shadowflight gives a small huff and rolls back onto his stomach to get up before shuffling off to leave the Forge. He wasn't even sure what to do with himself today, couldn't go back to the house and nap in Jim's room because his mother was going to be home and not leave until the evening, and he didn't really want to be in Trollmarket with that rude she-troll and her followers waltzing around and glaring at him in disdain. Might as well just lurk in the library and nap there, it was always a peaceful place to rest until the other day when Blinky tried setting fire to a lot of his books out of anger. Better than just wandering around the place and getting scolded for even sniffing something.

He wanders around for a bit, getting between some trolls that got in a bit of a squabble over something, happily accepted some snacks from some vendors who tossed them his way before arriving at the library. Draal, AAARRGGH!!, and Blinky were inside but paid no attention to him, which was fine. Shadowflight walks over to his usual corner and turns around a few times before settling down and curled his tail around himself. Just as he was getting ready to drift off, he hears Vendel talking loudly. Damn a dragon couldn't even get a wink of sleep around here can't he? The dragon curls himself up and covered his ears with his paws, hoping to block out the elder troll's talking, which seemed to work until he feels something whack him on the head and he sits up with a snarl.

"Retrieve your human companion at once, we need to have a talk with him." Vendel snaps before turning and leaving. Shadowflight gives a huff and rubbed the sore spot on his head where the staff had struck. Why did they need Jim back so early, he would be coming back in a few hours anyways.

"You best go retrieve Jim, I know he only has two hours left at the school but we can't go get him." Blinky says as he walks over and rubs the top of the dragon's head in comfort. "Draal has left to go look for any traces of Gunmar, but you are the only one of the group who can go into the sun and walk around invisibly."

Shadowflight gives a small huff but reluctantly gets up to stretch and walks out of the library, back into the busy streets of Trollmarket. What could Vendel want with Jim that couldn't wait until the late afternoon?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Getting into the school was easy, finding Jim and the others...not exactly easy. Actually it was easy, but he was having a hard time trying to get them away and alone from the other four humans they were running around the school with. So for now he was stuck having to stay in the dark corners of the school and quietly douse himself with fire to remain invisible until they all stopped at this large room with huge steps that they were seated on, talking and eating while the tall blonde human (who he remembered being called Steve) was throwing a large orange ball at a hoop. Shadowflight had seated himself on those steps several feet from the young humans, waiting for the chance to grab Jim or his two friends and was now growing bored of their conversation.

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