Chapter 24

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Ariels point of view

I was currently laying in bed looking at the ceiling. My body felt swollen and sore. If I moved even a little my body would start to give up. So I decided to just stay still.

I really wish I was with Niall. He was probably mad at me right now, but he made this situation so much better. Just by him being close to me I feel like my scars and bruises don't exsist anymore. It's just me and him alone. I feel that with him I can make any kind of pain dissapear.

"Ariel?" My sister esme knocked on my door. Its a good thing no one was home when Zayn had dropped me off. Then this mess would have been bigger.

"You can come in"

She walked in and sat on the bed making me flinch a little. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Yeah..I'm having boy problems" She blushed a little.

"Awwww, Who is it!?" I asked a little too loudly.

"Shh, His name is Riley. He's in the soccer team"

"What grade is he in?"

"He's a sophmore." She responded.

She gave me more details on her new crush and I couldn't help but to feel a weird guilty feeling. If I ever let Eric torture her the way he tortures me, she may never have a high school life. She's been dreaming of highschool since I was a freshman.

"...So how do I make a move? Or do I wait for him to do it?" She said. her eyes were filled with youth,curiosity and innocence.

"Hmmm, He seems pretty nice and he seems to like you.You even said he was shy so I feel like you should do it. But seem to desperate and don't seem like you don't care either. Make sure to tell him why you two should be together.Or no don't do that you'll just sound too demanding. Just be yourself. I'm sure he'll want to date you" I said with a big smile.

"Okay, Thanks sis. I love you." She got up and hugged me. i did my best to hide the pain. She walked towards the door and turned the knob.


"Yeah ariel?"

"You know I have to meet him right" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Damn didn't get out of the room quick enough" She laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully and Esme walked out. I starred at the for a couple minutes and decided to text louis and see if he wanted to do anything today. I was in pain but it wasn't like I couldn't power through it. I've done it before and I didn't want to lay in bed all day.

Me; Want to do something today?

I set my phone down and waited for a reply. It was only a couple minutes until he replied back.

Louis; sure...are you sure though, I don't want you to be...Uh hurting

Me; Yeah, I'm fine {: I'll be at your house in like 15

Louis; Absolutley not!? Ill pick you up. I'll be there in 5. See you soon X.

I smiled at Louis generosity. I told Esme I was going out so she had to stay home with our older sisters. She knows the normal routine now, But she doesn't mind. It's a good thing she's not stubborn like I am.

I heard a honk out front and walked out.

"Hey Louis" I said with a small smile.

"Hey princess, how are you"

"I could be better" I laughed nervously

"So what do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Let's just watch a movie, Are your parents home?" I asked

"No, they're out for the weekend i'm all alone" He said pouting his lips sarcastically.

I laughed. "How is it that all out parents are gone?"

He laughed with me. "I don't know but it's pretty awesome. Oh is it okay if I invite Niall?"

I stopped laughing "Uh, yeah it's your house"

He nodded and drove off to his house. Once we arrived there Nialls car was already parked in louis drive way. So was Harrys.

"You invited the boys?"

"Yeah, I wanted a movie night with all my bestfriends."

I could hear the boys laughter from outside. Niall yelled something about a piece of pie. Zayn was laughing with liam. And harry had pie all over his face. Once Louis and I entered the room it was silent. I felt so awkward and I felt like I was bothering them.

"Hey ariel!" Zayn finally spoke up. "How are you, It's been like what three hours" He joked. I gave a nervous laugh and we all sat down on the couch. Louis ordered pizza, and we all sat down and talked.

"Lets play a game" Louis shouted.

"OKAY!" The boys shouted at the same time.

"Hide and seek!!!!" Niall shouted. I looked at him and he looked at me. We smiled at each other and he bagan to laugh.

"Uh, okay you weirdo" Harry said giving him a 'you're crazy' look.

Liam volunteered to count first. As soon as he started counting Harry grabbed my wrist and dragged me to louis room. My body still ached but I wasn't going to be the reason for the game to stop.

"We can hide in here!" Harry whispered/shouted.

I got into the small closet and hugged my knees. Harry got in after me and he did the same thing.

"Shhh he's coming this way" Harry whispered. I giggled lightly and stopped myself from laughing too loud.

"Ouch something huting my back" Harry said getting closer to me. He put his right leg inbetween mine and leaned foward. Our face inches away. I felt awkward and some-what guilty. We heard someone get closer and closer. I could see harrys eyes get wider with excitment. The closet door opened fast making my hair fly everywhere.

"BOO!" Niall yelled with a wide smile. His smile dissapered when he saw how close harry and I were. "What were you guys doing?" He said now completley frowning.

"Hiding you idiot. hence HIDE and seek" Harry said chuckling. Niall lookd at me and he was hurt. I could tell because of the way he looked at me. Harry walked out of the room Niall and I follwed behind him. I looked up at Niall, He was deep in thought.

"Pizzas here!" Louis said crawling out of the kitchen closet.

"Wheres Laim?" Niall asked

"Right here" Liam said getting out of the room with zayn.

"Well I found Niall first so next time we play he's going to start out.

Louis payed the pizza boy and he brought the pizza into the living room.

"What movies do you want to watch?" Louis asked us.

" A scary one" Zayn said

"Okay well since no one is saying anything I guess we'll watch a scary movie." Louis said

I sat down at the end of the long coach. Niall sat in the middle and Zayn sat at the other end. There was still room for another person in between Niall and I. I was hoping niall would get closer. Instead Harry sat in between us. We all started eating the pizza. I ate mine really quickly considering I hadn't eaten since the morning. I ate to fast that my stomach had a sharp pain. I crouched down and grabbed my stomach.

"Are you okay" Harry whispered low enough for me to hear and for the rest of the boys not to look.

"Yeah, I just ate too fast and now my stomach hurts" I said hugging my stomach tighter.

"Oh" He chuckled and rubbed my back. He stopped when I flinched. My thorn cuts were starting to feel like a bruise. A few minutes later the pain went away and I sat up again.

I smiled at harry and thanked him. Behind him I saw Niall staring at us intensley. I looked away and kept watching the movie. I tried to watch the whole movie without looking away. I couldn't not look away. I ended up hiding my face into harrys chest. I heard him laugh at first but then he whispered something about being okay. He played with my hair and I soon fell asleep to the gentlness of his hands and the sound of his heartbeat.

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