Chapter XLI

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~Wednesday 7th February 2018~

"Kitten, if you just relax, you won't be in so much pain," Dakota rolled his eyes at Vasile's comment, not interested in what the man had to say. He didn't need the obvious stated to him, not for the fourth time that evening anyway. He was well aware that he was dealing with everything wrong and that meant he was putting himself in an uncomfortable situation but there was no other option. He was too tense, for a thousand different reasons, and Vasile just wasn't helping.

"Do you want me to rub your back? It might help," even though Dakota was in a foul mood, he couldn't deny that Vasile was being sweet. He had lingered and hovered around the boy all day, especially since the moon had risen. Last quarter, that meant Dakota had no choice but to turn, and he really really didn't want to.

"Mhmm," Dakota rolled onto his stomach on the bed, pulling off his t-shirt when he was instructed to. Vasile hadn't pestered Dakota to leave their bedroom for a few hours, which was nice enough, however, the boy knew he would be wanting to make dinner soon. With Mylo on bedrest, and Akos fretting over him even more than usual, the task usually fell to Vasile and Dakota. Most nights, he didn't mind. Tonight was different.

"You're so tense, Kota," Vasile chided, pressing his fingers in cautiously to Dakota's muscles. The boy merely groaned in response, his eyes closing as he rested his head on his forearms. Usually, he didn't allow anyone to touch him like that, he wasn't comfortable with massages, they never helped. Yet, one touch from Vasile and he was already feeling so much better.

"You know Ysmael won't even bat an eyelid when he sees you like this," Dakota didn't particularly want to be reminded that Ysmael would see him in his true form that night, if only that was the worst of it, "you're beautiful, kitten," soft moans slipped over Dakota's parted lips when Vasile began to lavish kisses over his back, trailing his tongue over the scarred flesh and sucking dark marks there every so often. Better than any massage Dakota could have ever feared.

"Ys isn't the reason I'm tense," Dakota murmured, peering over his shoulder when he felt the heat from Vasile's body draw close. Of course, the man hovered close to him, propped up on one elbow next to him, concern in those big dark eyes. Dakota simply leant up, cupping Vasile's cheek and covering the man's lips with his own. Even though his heat had passed, and Vasile's wasn't for a little while, Dakota felt bizarrely clingy that evening. Maybe it was the isolation he forced himself into whenever his body was pushed to change, maybe it was something else entirely.

"Ys?" Vasile chuckled, resting on his back when Dakota broke the kiss. He looked so casual, so at ease despite the effect of the moon on the both of them. Of course, Vasile had endured many lunar events over his years, and had complete control over himself. His wings didn't even come out, Dakota couldn't wait to have the opportunity to hide his own. They were more than annoying.

"Mmm, he's practically my brother at this point if he's destined to be with Torin. Might as well get used to the nickname," Dakota moved to straddle Vasile's hips, running his index finger over the buckle of his belt, "want a blowjob?"

"One day..." Vasile chuckled once again, sitting up, his lips barely an inch from Dakota's as he grinned at the boy, "you'll ask me that because you want to, not because you're searching for a distraction."

"It's such a good distraction though," Dakota whined, pouting when Vasile's hands covered his own, stilling him, "any other guy would leap at the chance. I offer my services to you all the time and you shoot me down like nine times out of ten."

"Because I don't want to be a distraction to you, kitten," Dakota bit down on his bottom lip when Vasile's lips brushed against his jawline, travelling up toward that same spot behind his ear that the man took advantage of far too much, "I want you to enjoy being with me, not feel as though there are obligations. I'm not a target for you, I'm your boyfriend," Dakota let out a gentle gasp when Vasile caught his earlobe between his teeth, before hissing out a breath and clutching onto the man's shirt. He buried his head in Vasile's neck, trying to breathe through the pain rippling down his back, followed by the uncomfortable weight that sat heavily on his shoulders. Great.

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