Chapter X

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~Saturday 11th November 2017~

Vasile wasn't sure he had ever felt so at ease. There were times over the years when he would feel a sense of calm, of relaxation, but it was nothing compared to what he felt laid in bed with Dakota. There had been nothing more than slumber between the two the previous night, despite how much Vasile wanted to truly claim the boy as his own. He knew Dakota wasn't ready. He had to wait, likely more than he would be comfortable with himself, but he didn't care. Dakota came first. Always and forever.

And if that meant more mornings waking with Dakota in his arms, trusting, at peace, then Vasile could cope with the lack of intimacy. It was nice enough to just share the warmth of the dark sheets on his bed. Anything with Dakota was perfect. Simply sharing the same air as the boy, sitting in the same room, gazing at him when he believed he wasn't looking, Vasile enjoyed it all. It was everything he had been waiting for. Whatever came after was simply extra.

Vasile's eyes shifted down to Dakota once again when he heard a gentle whimper drift from the boy. The peaceful expression that the boy had adorned just seconds previous had disappeared, replaced with anguish and fear. Vasile's brows drew down into a frown as he watched Dakota, feeling the boy squirm against him, letting out more soft whines. His back was already pressed into Vasile's chest, not skin tight, but enough for the man to feel the curvature of Dakota's spine through his shirt.

Not wanting to hear Dakota in any degree of discomfort anymore, Vasile snaked his arms around the boy's waist, drawing him closer. There was no sexual side to his act, although he couldn't deny how nice it felt to have the boy so close to him, he simply wanted to make sure he felt safe. Vasile dared to slip one of his hands up under Dakota's cheek, resting his chin atop the boy's head too, finally feeling him relax once again, the tension flowing right out of his muscles.

Vasile smiled to himself, rubbing small circles on the exposed skin of Dakota's stomach where his shirt had ridden up whilst he slept. Content didn't even begin to describe how he felt, Vasile wasn't sure there were even words close to how he felt with Dakota in his arms. It was everything he had been envious of that Akos had with Mylo, yet Vasile couldn't have ever anticipated the real thing with Dakota feeling so good.

"Hold me any tighter and I'll snap, V," Vasile had been so lost in his own head that he hadn't noticed his grip had been slowly tightening on Dakota's waist. With subtle reluctance, he released the boy from his grasp, allowing him to roll over and face the man. Gazing upon the swirling hues of brown and blue in Dakota's eyes, Vasile realised that the boy had returned a favour to him. He had given Vasile a nickname. A unique one too.

"Sorry," Vasile simpered, feeling heat rise when Dakota shifted ever closer, resting his head on the man's chest and nuzzling his nose gently against his flesh. The man made a decision then, early morning Dakota was the best kind. He was more relaxed, although that could have due to the fatigue that often lingered after the transition between forms. Either way, Vasile would savour every moment, each was a blessing, after all.

"It's OK," Dakota murmured, his voice half-muffled against Vasile's skin, "good way to go, I suppose," Vasile bit down on his tongue when Dakota's warm breath ghosted over his bare chest, wanting to ensure that no stray noises left his mouth. As content as he was to simply hold Dakota, he was still a man, and that kind of close contact did affect him in ways that he didn't want to spook the boy with. That level of intimacy was far from them, Vasile could wait. For Dakota.

"Were you having a bad dream? You seemed distressed," Vasile dared to twist one of Dakota's curls between his fingers, smiling at the silkiness of the boy's hair. Mylo's felt the same, but Dakota's fell in much looser curls, Vasile preferred it that way. Although he wouldn't ever mention anything to Mylo, he didn't need anymore body image issues.

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