Chapter XXI

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~Wednesday 6th December 2017~

"Is there nothing I can say to make you stay, kitten?" Vasile knelt in front of Dakota, resting his hands on the boy's thighs. Dakota could only smile meekly, thinking back to the conversation he had had with Loral over the phone the previous evening. His parents were growing restless, unable to believe that Dakota could still be in such a severe condition, close to making a complaint to the hospital because they wanted their visitation rights back. The ruse wasn't sticking as well as Vasile had obviously hoped for. It was only a matter of time before they found out the truth, and Dakota would like to extend that period for as long as possible.

"V, it's not like I'm going across the country," Dakota assured his Keeper, cupping the man's cheeks, wishing he could encourage him in some way to smile, "I can still call you, and text you, and even come see you. My parents don't have me on such a tight leash anymore, although there'll probably be an adjustment period when I get back," Dakota honestly didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay with Vasile and Mylo and Izelon. Even Akos was beginning to grow on him. He just wanted the simplicity of living there, of not having to worry about hunting, or hurting anyone, or fitting the thousand different masks he had to wear every single day. He didn't have to worry about appearances when he was with Vasile, he was finally finding himself again.

"You'd be safer here," Vasile sighed, leaning into Dakota's touch and pressing a tender kiss to the boy's palm, "you're happy here, you said so yourself. I don't like you being away from me," as much as Vasile was trying, he was clearly clutching at straws. They had already been through every point the man had offered, on multiple occasions since Dakota had mentioned his intention the previous evening. Thankfully, it hadn't led to any sort of argument, Vasile was actually very calm about the way he addressed Dakota. It was nice, for once, to be heard.

"One day, V, I'll be here forever," Vasile's face always lit up at that prospect, "but, for right now, I have to deal with my parents, OK? They can't know about us yet, they don't even let us have relationships with humans, I really don't think they would be pleased to learn about you," Dakota had spent many hours fantasising about bringing a man home to his parents. One that they would accept, one that they would be proud to call an addition to their family. Vasile was the perfect fit, all apart from what he was. Sadly, Dakota couldn't ever imagine Grant sitting across from Vasile at family dinner and holding a civil conversation. Anytime he tried, the scene always ended in blood.

"I don't care about your parents, kitten, I don't care about what they think. I just want you to stay, please? Just a few more nights?" In the little time the two had spent together intimately, which mostly included the previous night of horror films with Izelon in the living room, Vasile seemed to have figured out exactly how to get what he wanted with Dakota. Guilt trip. Dakota fell for it every time, unable to say no to those puppy dog eyes. It was very unfair.

"I can't," Dakota leant down, pressing a long kiss to Vasile's lips, just relishing in the touch that he would be deprived of for the next few days. Or however long his parents bothered to check in on him every night. It wouldn't last, not with Grant anyway. He gave him not even two days before he would tire of playing the caring father act, Veronica might last a week, then something else would distract her. Dakota, for once, didn't mind about the lack of affection from his parents.

"You know I can't, V," Dakota whispered with a heavy sigh, tracing Vasile's bottom lip with his tongue. Every final touch made Dakota wish that Mylo and Akos had acted quicker. He wished he had had more time to be with Vasile as they were now, happy, bound, together. It felt as though he was ripping himself apart by choosing to leave, however, he knew his little piece of heaven would be there when he got back. When he finally figured out how to tell his parents about everything. Even if that meant declaring war.

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