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Doraemon was shouting, "Anyone plz listen me".

Doraemon was shouting, "Anyone plz listen me"

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"Hey cutie don't cry", consoled Bheem.
Vijaya and RENU were watching the drawings which devika made.
Oh wow how beautiful drawing jyesth makes, exclaimed renu .

Oh wow how beautiful drawing jyesth makes, exclaimed renu

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Yes , she's an great expert!!!! , commented JAYA.

Yes , she's an great expert!!!! , commented JAYA

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Yes she's lovely, yudhistir said while giggling. Arjun asked, what did u told now Bhratashree 🤔.
Yudhistir told nothing bro 🤗.
Suddenly draupadi came,

Seeing her heavenly beauty Arjun exclaimed, oh wow what a beautiful girl

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Seeing her heavenly beauty Arjun exclaimed, oh wow what a beautiful girl.
Nakul and Bheem shouted, "Someone is looking at someone, and blushing, blushing 😊".
Arjun, yudhistir and sahadev told in unison ,when your turn will come we'll see😈.
Suddenly draupadi started shouting,

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