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Seeing valandhara bheem was continuously blushing.

Karenumati was doing Pranipat to devika while holding a pitcher full of water in her hands

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Karenumati was doing Pranipat to devika while holding a pitcher full of water in her hands. All the water dropped at Vala. See took that brass and ran after her. I will throw this at u 😈.
No don't do like that my priye will be hurt plz don't do 🙏🙏🙏
Nakul u are really very caring for rajkumari Karenumati even she called u a horse 🐴 coughed arjun.
So what ? after all Everyone must care for the protection of maidens.
Renu was too fast . Vala threw the pitcher and it hit the mahipal.
Oh no 😱!!! Exclaimed Devika.
Are u fine mahipalji ? questioned Vala.
No why fine imma is very much fine. taunted mahipal.
Vala was ashamed, mahipal told rajkumari karenumati u are very innocent. Am I? thought renu smirking.
U don't know her, muttered Valandhara
So rajkumari karenumati u too throw this brass with such a speed that it should hurt rajkumari valandhara.
Vala was terrified she pleaded, I am your sister fool don't do like that or else I will kill u renu.
Karenumati possessed a deaf ear.
She threw the brass with a high speed, Vala took a bat from a child and hit it hardly.
Oh what a shot sis, giggled Draupadi.

It went again and hit the head of mahipal, making him unconscious 😩

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It went again and hit the head of mahipal, making him unconscious 😩.
Mahipalji shouted Vijaya and ran towards him. She's so caring thought sahadev. She will take my care like this toooooo, thought sahadev dreaming 💭
There Drupad's mother declared putr i wanna do ganga snann everyday. Okay mata then I will bring that ganga river till Panchal. So Drupad went near the ganga river and started meditating there. Before doing so he declared,"Anyone who will disturb me I will cut him into three pieces".
Devika went near Vala. There JAYA and RENU were busy treating the mahipal. Draupadi was nervously sitting and watching them. So they are great physicians too exclaimed Nakul and Sahadev. Yes but now u both shut up. Yes jyesth u are continuously looking at Devika bhabishree, teased Bheem. And Bhrata Bheem u are no less than Bhrata yudhistir, smirked arjun. Well, arjun do u think that u are less than me... said yudhistir calmly.
There JAYA came running and shouted,maa where is pitashree the kurus will be starting the war just. He's gone to meditate near the river ganga and has pledged and will cut anyone's body into three parts who will disturb him..., said Sunaina rather sadly.
What ! Vala and Renu were standing their jaw half opened.
So we'll go and wake him up from his meditation, said Draupadi courageously.

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