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The preparations for the war were going on in the camp of the Pandavas and Kauravas. Duryodhan since his childhood made a promise to himself to get the throne of Hastinapur by hook or by crook.

He only wanted to showcase his own talent in the war ensuring that yudhistir shouldn't take part in the war, because Duryodhan was well Well learn with Bheemsen's strength and power. He asked yudhistir not to go for the war.

Yudhistir being the calm of the princes too told to do so. Bheem was in a complete fit of rage. So was the reaction of Arjun, nakul and sahadev.

Duryodhan along with his 100 brothers went to do war with Drupad they were merely defeated. Dushasan was just smirking seeing valandhara's beauty. Duryodhan just stood in awe seeing Devika driving the chariot. Her loose hair flowed making Duryodhan getting attracted towards her. There Aswathamma was busy in admiring Vijaya's intelligence in the warfare. As though, the little princess- Vijaya was helping her father in making preparations for the LABYRINTH in which they decided to trap the KURU princes. Vikarn was busy there in praising The enormous beauty of Karenumati who was very popular for her beauty among the princes of Aryavart. Upachitra couldn't just take off his eyes from Draupadi.
In the war with the Kauravas Drupad won his victory.

In the war with the Kauravas Drupad won his victory

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He tied all the Kauravas and looked them with superior eyes

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He tied all the Kauravas and looked them with superior eyes. He announced, " I will shave your heads make you bald-headed and send you back to your Hastinapur making you all sit In donkeys" "hahahahahahahaha" I pity on you KURU PRINCES!!!!! He added loftily.

Suddenly a soldier came running he let out a heavy sigh and told Your Highness there are only 100 princes.
So where are the others, asked Drupad astonished.

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