chapter 3

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I have been getting sick and here I am at the doctor. She took a test and everything.

- congratulations Mrs Dupain-Cheng you are pregnant. She stated happily.

-WHAT  I shouted surprised.

I started hyperventilating. I can't be pregnant. I am young. Lila is definitely gonna use this against me. My parents oh they are gonna kick me out. They will think I'm a slut. Oh gosh what am I gonna do.

The doctor calmed me down and I walked away. I held the report in hands. They were shaking I was scared. What was gonna happen to my baby. I looked down and put my hand on my stomach.

I got home and got a beating but I protected my belly this time. Tikki helped heal me. Then realisation hit me. This child is a product of rape. I was raped but it can't that that monsters child.

I was absolutely terrified. What is to become of it. I got changed into pajamas and went to sleep. Now I will have to find a way to sneak food for the baby.

With that final thought darkness consumed me as I fell asleep.

This is what I wore the next day

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This is what I wore the next day.

-hey its the slut of the class someone shouted as everyone laughed.

I kept my head down as I walked to back. Someone else tripped me and I fell. They laughed again calling me mean names.

The were also colourful. You would swear the class was a rainbow.

I guess they were in a good mood cause they decided that I needed a good beating. In the last lesson which was Mrs. B's class she let us out early.

Of course I should've suspected something. Cause before I walked out mrs. B closed the door trapping me inside with these sheep. She had a smirk on her face.

- where do you think your going you slut. Mrs bustier said.

- uhmm im going home. I replied scared of what was coming.

-non you not going home your parents and decided that you need a punishment. We found an interesting paper in your room. Class this girl here is pregnant. She shouted.

I was horrified. She pushed me making me fall. Everyone came and started hitting me. I tried fighting back but to no use. I used all my strength and broke free. I ran for the door.

I opened it and ran out. The class behind me. Someone caught me yanking me back by my waist. I continued to fight. I punched the persons nose. I continued running. I couldn't go home. I ran into an alleyway pulling out Kalki. I teleported somewhere safe.

I landed into a hotel room. The portal closing behind. I looked up seeing jagged and penny. Penny ran to me gasping. She picked me up taking me to heal my wounds. I fell asleep afterwards.

When I woke up I explained everything to then and they looked worried. The decided that I needed a break.

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