chapter 7

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*sigh* we have been traveling for so long. We have also grown a lot. I am 18 years and Sally is 4 years old. For 4 years we have been traveling. By now we have been all over the world. We are going to Gotham for our yearly visit to see Jagged. We got on our flight ready to see him.

" mama do you think Jagged is gonna go easy on us with the hugs i mean not that i mind or anything but his hugs can be a little too tight right mama?" Sally asked me. " i don't know sweartheart we will see once we are there okay." she nodded. 

Sally is almost like me. She loves designing too. She is really smart for a 4 year old. Not that i'm complaining or anything. We have finally arrived at Gotham. Gosh I missed this place, it is a one of a kind.

 Gosh I missed this place, it is a one of a kind

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We got squished by Jagged as usual and left to our house

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We got squished by Jagged as usual and left to our house. We decided to stay in Gotham. We bought a house with the help of Jagged and Penny.

our house

Sally's room

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Sally's room

Sally's room

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My room

We were walking around Gotham the next day

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We were walking around Gotham the next day. After shaking of the jet lag. We had decided to get a feel of Gotham. Or get inspiration. We sat at a park and enjoyed our day. I got a notification on my phone.  I had gotten an email from Bruce Wayne. He was asking me to design for him and his sons for the Wayne Charity Gala coming up. 

We planned on meeting tomorrow. I was kinda nervous. I mean this is The Bruce Wayne. The next day we got dressed and left to WE. There we saw The Bruce Wayne. We talked for little bit about the suits. I got his measurements. One by one his sons came in while I got their measurements. Till the last one came in. I was met with familiar green eyes

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