chapter 4

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I'm on a plane to Africa. I was thinking about everything that has happened. I used to be loved but that lying snake took what I had. I was thinking about Adrien and how he betrayed me for that thing.

We were once happy. But Lila filled everyones mind with poison. Like she has some kind of control power. Its like she poisoned their drinks. Making their souls drink them. Tainting their hearts. Killing their soul. Blackening their minds.

I must have have been crying cause I felt a hand wipe away my tears. I looked up and saw Jagged. He immediately pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into his chest.

I am going on tour with Jagged. They kinda adopted me as their own. They accepted that I was pregnant and sent detectives to find that guy that raped me.

I now had a little baby bump. Since now I'm 3 months. I became MDC. Yes I was blacklisted but Jagged helped me out. I am successful but still broken. There are times I just curl up into a ball and cry.

I started going to therapy. I slowly started getting better. I enjoyed going around and seeing the sights. I decided to stay. And go around and explore.

Jagged and penny agreed as long as when I'm done I contact them and we meet in Gotham. Before the baby is born. I went to almost all the countries in Africa. I then went to Australia.

Months went by enjoyably. I met a lot of nice people. I donated to charity and I still had my money.

When I was 8 months I moved to Gotham to meet Jagged. They of course were excited. I decided to walk Fang, stopping at the fabric store.

(Hair still blue without the glasses)

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(Hair still blue without the glasses)

As you can see I'm not a balloon. My belly didn't grow that big. By now I am rich. I made a lot of money and I am famous.

People were giving me looks. I mean I'm 14 and pregnant. And I'm walking with a crocodile. Don't worry I still do online school. Once I was satisfied with what I got I walked home.

Thanks for reading😊😄

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