chapter 8

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I know those green eyes. They have been invading my dreams ever since I decided to leave. He looked at me in supprise. I just silently took his measurements while he stared at me in shock. When I was done Bruce Wayne gave me an invitation to  the Wayne Charity Gala. I accepted wanting to make a donation. I quickly left the place wanting to get away from him.

I finished the suits and delivered them now it was time for the Gala. I got ready with Sally.

Sally's dress and hair

Sally's dress and hair

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with black pumps

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with black pumps

Marinette's dress and hair

Marinette's dress and hair

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The Gala was beautiful but also stuffy

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The Gala was beautiful but also stuffy. All these people. I am here with Jagged, Penny and Sally. I walked away to the balcony to get some air. Which proved to be a grave mistake. There I saw the one person I have avoiding. " Hello," He said. " Hi," I simply replied before turning back to get away from him. "It seems you have been avoiding me huh," He stated looking back at me. "W-what no i-i-i-i w-what makes you think t-that haha." I said chuckling nervously. "For one you refuse to meet my eyes and you always run when you see me," he said. 

"I just don't want to fall in love again, I fell in love with you and I think I have a thing for guys with green guys." He chuckled. He looked at with a smirk. "Are you saying you think I'm hot," 

"What! no i-i-i-i-i," I tried blushing a bright red. He then laughed again then kissed my cheek and walked away. Leaving me bright red. "I see I wiwll be getting a new baba," Sally said looking at me 'innocentley'. "Lets go get some snacks sweety, and don't tell Jagged alright?" I said still blushing. "I guess we can make a dewl,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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