Please let it be all a dream..

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We all sat inside of England's house.
The sky was dark, and smokey looking in the distance. The dark night sky wasn't clear, it was cloudy and grey.
The Stars weren't shining bright. They were dull.

You could hear muffled gunshots and cracking in the far away distance.

I glanced over at America and frowned as I looked up into his blue eyes. He looked worried, along with everybody else.

"What's happening.." I asked them as they frowned at my worried sister and I.
We stood holding our hands in fear, I heard England sigh then run into the cellar.

"Britain!!" America yelled at the top of his lungs, after him as he narrowed his eyes on the dark cellar door that was open.
The long staircase was dark and old looking.
The railing was broken and old and starting to rot.

He shivered and turned his gaze to us.
France and prussia took our arms and led us into the living room and sat on the couch.
"I need you girls to go get changed into some jeans or pants, and a shirt with a hoodie. Meet us back here once your done."
Prussia said as we nodded slowly at his red worries eyes.

"We'll explain after you come back.." He added as we stood up and nodded and raced up the stairs and into my room.

We shut and locked the door, a worried look on our faces, as we grabbed two pairs on skinny jeans out of my dresser, and a shirt and two hoodies.
We changed, then tied our hair into pony tails and looked at each other frowning.

"I'm scared." I said quietly as Alyssa frowned.

"I am too.."

We didn't talk much, we knew panicking was only a bad thing to do.
We raced downstairs and say down on the couch.
Prussia and france stared at us before signing sadly and looking down, then back up To our eyes.

"So your probably wondering what's going on.." Prussia started,
"The....the world wars are starting again..and.." He frowned at us and but his lip before continuing.
"We're dying..."

Alyssa and i's eyes widened as we stared at the two saddened countries.
"What?" I asked them as he nodded.

"The worlds starting to decay..and rot away.."
France frowned at prussias words.

"That spell you walked in on.." France said looking at me as Alyssa's eyes shifted into me.

"That was a cure to keep us alive for a little bit longer.."
France sighed.

My eyes widened again as I took in the aspects of everything.
"How can this be happening??" I asked in a shaky voice as I felt my heart beat pace, and my stomach churn in a sickness of the thought of dying.

"The worlds had can't take anymore.." Prussia frowned up at me. His red eyes staring into mine as I frowned as tears wanted to sting my eyes, but I didn't let them.

Alyssa's eyebrows furrowed as she stared at us in complete shock.
"This is's not supposed to end like this.." She said staring at the floor deep in over thought.

"But it is.." France replied staring at her sadly.

"I..I can't do this.." I said as I stood up and shook in complete fear.
That sickening feeling was stuck in my mind and I felt stuck in fear.

"I-i can't be here right now.." I said walking away into the kitchen in a speed walk.
I'm the kind of person who can't take things well, until my anxiety makes it worse.

"Peyton.." Alyssa said as she ran after me.
"I'm sorry, but I think I should be alone.." I felt sickened.

"No don't worry, everything will be okay.." She grabbed my wrists and stared into my eyes.

My eyes were slightly widened as I frowned into hers.
"No it won't.." I whispered.

I saw america come up the stairs with england as they watched us.
Tears pooled into my eyes uncontrollably.
"Why am I crying?" I choked out, as my sister pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay.." She said tearing up.
"At least you and I could get to do things together, and besides, its not over yet." She gave a smile threw some tears.
I couldn't see her smile, since my head was on her shoulder and hers was on mine, but I could feel the smile on her face.

"It's not the same though.." I choked out.
I'm in utter fear, and I couldn't get the words through my mind that we were going to die, and everything would just be gone..everybody, anything that I ever loved..gone.

"Your going to be okay." America said as I looked up from my comforting sisters shoulder, and looked into his bright blue eyes as they stared back at me.

"I'm so scared to die.." I whispered as my sister gave me a frown as she let go.

"Don't be.." She said.

We could hear more gunshots and felt the ground start to shake again.

"What's happening??" I asked as Alyssa grabbed onto my arm in fear, and looked around with me.

"The grounds cracking and people are in war.." Prussia said as him and france walked in.

"Are we going to be okay??" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah..for now.." France nodded.

"England," america turned his gaze to the blonde,
"You need to do that spell"

"I can't..." England answered back, sounding as if he were trying not to cry.

"I'm not doing anything for you anymore america.."
Americas eyebrows furrowed as his eyes narrowed on him.
"What do you mean..?" He asked with a slightly but if attitude in his angered voice.

"You hurt me, to many times.."

His eyes squinted into a glare at him.
"What do you mean by that? Get over the war Britain!" America glared at him.

Alyssa and I frowned a bit at them.

"It's not that, what I'm talking about you bloody twit!" The Brit snapped back.

"Then what?" America snapped back with an attitude in his tone.
He glared at the British man.

"....." Britain looked over to me then Alyssa then back to america, then to the floor frowning.

"Just do the stupid spell, Britain." America hissed and walked away.

"America!" Alyssa glared at him and ran up to him trying to calm him down.

"Just leave the bloody idiot.." England sighed.

"What was that all about?" I asked him almost in a whisper.
His eyes shifted up to me, then over to the wall.

"...nothing." He replied the stood up straight.

I sighed and walked away to find Alyssa and the irritated american.
But something stopped me and grabbed my wrist.
"What?" I asked the albino.

"Don't..just leave them.."
I sighed and shook my head.

Alyssa's POV:

I ran after america as he stormed off and into his room.
Before he could shut the door, I put my foot put and it stopped the door from closing.

"Alfred.." I said as he whipped his head around to see me then gave me an apologetic frown.


"What happened..?" I asked him as he let out a heavy sigh.

"It's a long and annoying story.."

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