Chapter 16

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I think this is an extremely important chapter to show how Elijah is developing. Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments 

When Aiden finally made it to the hotel, it was getting time for supper. He had tried to call Elijah, even texting him multiple times, to let him know to be ready to go eat. However, he had not received a single response which led him to call Blair out of worry. Normally Elijah was good at obeying what he was told and he was concerned something had happened to him. Blair simply reassured him the male was fine, stating he needed to talk to him when he got home.

"Elijah?" He opened the bedroom door, frowning as he noticed the boy was curled up in the covers. He sighed softly, approaching to sit beside him.
"I guess the flight made you more tired than I thought." He sighed, beginning to take his shoes off.

"I am not asleep." Was the simple response he received causing him to look to the boy in surprise. He was stunned, not sure what to say. The male had proven to be good at listening and taking commands without a fight.

"Blair says you need to talk with me." He finally settled for saying, though he was not sure what it could be about. Elijah was clearly upset, but Blair refused to give him any information regarding what.
"What is wrong, Pet?"

Elijah was silent, not really knowing what to say or how to approach the situation at hand. After a moment, he spoke in a soft voice.
"Was I really that worthless to you? You could not even pay money for me, instead you chose to get my father arrested?"

"Worthless?" Aiden echoed in confusion before anger flashed across his face. He grasped Elijah by his arm, pulling him so he was able to see him. It was clear based off the tear stains on his cheeks he had been crying causing Aiden to curse softly.
"No, Elijah. That is not what happened. I am assuming you saw the article about him getting arrested?" A small nod was his response.
"When I went to get you, I had no plans of giving your father the money. He ran a prostitution ring, taking advantage of those girls and most of all you. What he was doing was highly illegal, especially when he threw an underage boy into the mix. So, when I decided I was going to take you in, I called one of my friends who is a lawyer and asked what we could do. The contract your father signed was fake, it has no legal binding agent, and the cops took it as evidence that he intended to sell you." He did his best to keep his composure. He hated how Elijah had taken it the wrong way.

"You did not want to spend your money on me." Elijah's voice was muffled as he pushed himself into a sitting position and buried his face in a pillow.
"You kept it for yourself because I am not worth the amount my father wanted."

"Do not say that, Elijah." Aiden's voice was firm, harsh even. The first he had ever spoken to him in such a way, yet Elijah did not seem affected as he continued to speak.

"My entire life I was forced to do things for those men, so I was not worth your money, right?!" His voice rose as his eyes shot up to glare at Aiden, fresh tears forming in his eyes. His grip on the pillow tightened as he tried to push them back, refusing to be weak in the moment.

"It was illegal, so I did not give your father any money. It has nothing to do with you; you are not the reason I did not give him the money so stop saying stupid shit like that. You were worth the money and if I had to, I would have given it to him. Instead, I put an end to what he was doing. Otherwise, he might have escalated." Aiden reached out to brush Elijah's tears away, but the boy smacked his hand away from him and tightened his grip on the pillow. Aiden's jaw clenched but he stayed calm, refusing to get angry with the male. Him being upset was completely justified and he could not get mad at him for needing to let everything out.

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