Chapter 2

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"Seeing as you were not prepared to be picked up today, I will return tomorrow to pick up you and your things. That should give you time to collect everything-" Elijah quickly intercepted before Mr. Blackwell could finish his sentence.

"I only have one thing to collect. I am ready to go if you could just give me a minute." The male did not appear happy at having been interrupted but nodded, nonetheless.

"Very well, make it quick." With the permission granted, Elijah quickly disappeared. He returned to his room, tossing his clothes into a dollar store, plastic bag. There were so few that they fit perfectly. He also grabbed the necklace that rested on his small table, putting it around his neck before returning to his father's office. As he anticipated, rage filled his father's face when he spotted the necklace.

"Take it off, boy!" He snapped, standing abruptly, and holding his hand out.
"Hand it over, that does not belong to you!" Elijah quickly wrapped his hand around the pendant. It was a silver phoenix, slightly girly but it had belonged to his mother. However, he was sure that all that mattered to his father was the fact that it was pure white gold; it was worth a fair amount of money if he wanted to sell it. When he did not budge to take it off, his father reached out, roughly grabbing hold of his wrist. Elijah winced at the pain, but it quickly went away as Mr. Blackwell reached out, roughly grabbing his father's wrist.

"You have your money and the contract is signed. The boy belongs to me now, so I recommend you do not touch him." His voice was cold, dangerous even. His father released his wrist rather quickly, eyes hardening.

"Of course. However, that necklace belonged to my late wife-"

"And considering the only other items this boy has is a bag of clothes, I see no harm in keeping his mother's necklace." As soon as his father released him, Elijah moved closer to Mr. Blackwell. He was already beginning to hope staying with this man would be better than his father. His father dared not try to argue with him, perhaps concerned he may lose all the money he just gained. With a grunt, Mr. Blackwell placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder and led him out of the brothel. Elijah did not say a word as he followed him to his car, a Lamborghini if he was correct. It was a sleek black with blue highlights. While Elijah was not a huge car person, he loved the one in front of him.

"What made you buy me?" Elijah asked once the man started the car and they were driving away from the brothel. It was as though he were ensuring he would not be returned, even though the man could easily turn around.

"I have eyes and ears in many places kid. I own a club, called Nebula. This makes it important for me to know about any type of competition. While your father was not much competition for me, you could have been. I would often hear my clients talking about the 'virgin boy who gave great head'." Blackwell rolled his eyes as he quoted what his customers would say.
"A few would leave just to go see you. Your father highly promoted you, even said that for the right price your virginity could be given to one who deserved it. Well, I met that price and then some. My competition no longer exists and 'the virgin boy' is now mine." It sounded horrible to Elijah. The man had bought him simply as a business deal it sounded like.

"You bought me as a business deal then, Mr. Blackwell?" He questioned but the man shook his head, shocking him a little.

"First of all, my name is Aiden. However, you will call me Sir and nothing else. And no, that is not the only reason. I have my own reasons for buying you. Tell me, have you ever heard of a submissive? Or a dominant?" He asked causing him to shake his head.
"Of course not. It deals with the BDSM community. I bought you to be my submissive, as I have been looking for the right one for some time. With you, well you are a virgin. I can train you to be the perfect submissive for me." For some reason, Elijah did not like the sound of that.

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