Chapter 26

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(I am so sorry I forgot to post the update earlier this morning! I hope everyone enjoys, and as always, please share your thoughts!)

When Elijah woke, he was thankful to find Aiden was still sleeping beside him. His back was to the male, his behind nestled into Aiden's crotch as the male's chest pressed to his back. He released a low, content hum as he rolled over, nuzzling himself into his chest.

"Hmm, good morning beautiful." Aiden mumbled causing Elijah to glance up to him in surprise. The male still had his eyes shut, his hand resting lightly on his hip.

"Good morning to you too." He murmured, pressing a light kiss to his chest. This earned him a quiet chuckle as Aiden's eyes flickered down to look at him.

"How do you feel?" He questioned, concern lingering in his gaze.

"I feel perfectly fine, Aiden. Amazing, in fact." He reassured as he reached up, lightly brushing the older male's hair from his face. He was thankful for Aiden's concern, thankful that the male cared enough to even ask or consider that he might be in pain.

"I'm glad to hear that." Aiden leaned into his gentle touch.
"What do you want for breakfast? I can have it brought up for us."

"Waffles sound good." He grinned slightly causing the male to chuckle.

"Waffles it is." He agreed before he rolled to grab his phone. He called Jamison, asking him if he would bring the food before hanging up.
"It will be up soon." He hummed before he rolled them over. He grasped Elijah's wrists, pinning them above his head as he leaned down to lightly kiss him.

"Aiden." Elijah laughed softly, taking a moment to kiss him back.

"Hmm, Elijah. You do realize how many doors have been opened for us now?" Aiden murmured softly as his fingers ran down his side slowly.
"I can't wait to take you to the toy room now." He chuckled lowly. Elijah's cheeks flushed at what he was insinuating to, his gaze flickering away.

"Well, you will need to. I am starving." He pouted up at the male, doing his best to ignore the boner that pressed into him.

"I'm many things right now, and starving is not one of them." Aiden smirked, moving to lightly nip Elijah's neck. This caused the male to squirm slightly with a low whine, biting his lip.

"I can tell." He lightly pressed his hips up into Aiden's, grinning as the male released a low groan.

"You will be the death of me." He mumbled, though he moved off the male when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in." Jamison came in carrying two trays. He placed the first one in front of Elijah who beamed as he noticed the Waffles as well as a coffee. Jamison then moved to place Aiden's over his lap. The older male had a bowl of oatmeal with bananas, strawberries, and blueberries. He also had a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Jamison. For this as well as helping Aiden last night." Elijah offered the older gentleman a shy smile as he sat up, ensuring the covers remained in place over his bare lower half.

"Of course, young master." Jamison simply smiled at him as he made his way towards the door.

"Oh, so I am young Sir and he gets to be young Master?" Aiden quirked an eyebrow at the older male who simply smirked.

"I like Elijah better. Much sweeter and way less moody." Jamison's tone was teasing, and Elijah beamed at his words, clearly pleased by them.
"I hope the night was as splendid as you hoped." He added before slipping from the door. The words caused Elijah to flush, but he did his best to ignore it as he focused on the breakfast.

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