Chapter 2

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AN: I will be keeping certain things canon as well as changing some things slightly. Example: Sherri still gets pregnant but Christopher never comes to Stars Hollow to try again with Lorelai, also the news comes sooner than Sookie’s wedding.

For the purpose of this story, Jess is doing just fine in school.


Rory grasped the door handle of the bookstore pausing when she saw the picture taped to the glass. There were quite a few tales going around town as to who this man was and why a cop had been seen talking to Luke and Jess. Mom had told her that the cop had come from New York to warn Jess about the man possibly trying to hurt him.

She pulled the door open and walked inside. She walked leisurely through the stacks of books. She stopped when she spotted a familiar figure reading on the floor with his back against the wall.

Sitting down next to him, she voiced her presence. “I keep suggesting chairs or expanding to make a lounge but alas, nothing,” shaking her head in mock disappointment.

“Bean bag chairs.” Jess offered.

She let out a small chuckle. “Any particular reason you’re reading on a hard floor instead of lounging at Luke’s?”

He scoffed lightly, “I had to get away from Witness Protection.” Glancing at the worried expression on her face, he adds, “Don’t worry though, I’m pretty sure the whole town is under orders to report my whereabouts at all times.”

“I’m surprised Kirk isn’t tailing you, hiding in bushes with a walkie-talkie and covered in camouflage paint.” An amused look was on her face.

A quick soft chuckle left his lips. “So, talk to me about anything that doesn’t involve a missing person.”

“Um, well, my Dad’s girlfriend is pregnant. I’m gonna be a big sister.” Why did she say that? Nobody except Mom knew about it yet.


“It’s weird. Obviously, I’m excited at the prospect of having a sibling. Unlike the usual situation, my life won’t really be affected. I just- I can’t help but be a little jealous; Dad’s gonna be there for the baby.” She looked down feeling embarrassed.

Bumping her shoulder lightly, he reassured her, “I get it. He missed a lot with you.”

She smiled at him gratefully.

He allowed himself to drown in her eyes for just a second longer than necessary.

Looking away from her, he stood up and offered a hand to help her up. She accepted it. He stretched having been in that position too long.

“I’m gonna head back. Homework to do, that I probably should’ve done first before my pleasure reading.” He smirked as he started for the door.

“Luke’s gonna throw that cop a party, seeing you put such an effort into school.” She predicted as she followed after him.

He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “I wasn’t slacking off before. I’m lacking in class participation points but I’m passing all my classes. I don’t even have to try that hard here.”

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