Chapter 4

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Three weeks since Greg Mathens was reported missing. His name was no longer featured in the news. Roadblocks had been lifted. The officer stationed outside Liz’s apartment was relieved of his post. The NYPD were still looking for him but without any leads his case was pushed aside to focus on more immediate issues.


The town looked deserted. Most of the residents were at Sookie’s wedding. Cesar was working the diner but only ended up serving like three people by the end of the day. Jess stayed upstairs in the apartment; there was no work to be done and he'd had no desire to voluntarily attend a wedding.

Several items needed refilled. Cesar glanced around and noticed the diner empty save for the bearded man sitting at the corner table drinking an ice water. He shrugged and left the counter to go to the storage room. When he finally returned, the man was gone and he didn’t notice that the space above him had gone from quiet to eerily silent.


Jess was reading at the kitchen table with his back to the door. He didn’t turn around when the door opened. Assuming it was Luke, he let out a sarcastic comment, “Back already? Damn, now I gotta cancel that keg.”

The man that opened the door moved a couple steps closer to Jess. “I see you still lack discipline.”

Time stopped. No, wait, he was frozen. With fear. It was just a nightmare, he scolded himself. This isn’t real, he repeated in his head as he tried to remain calm. His body was not listening to his brain. On autopilot, fight-or-flight response in full gear, he stood up and turned to face the only exit. His stomach dropped when he saw those familiar eyes and realized that it was real. “Greg?” whispered Jess in disbelief.

Greg stepped closer until he was towering over the boy. “Hello, Jess, it’s been a while.” He sucker punched him.

Jess spit out the blood onto the floor. He glared up at the man. “Get out,” curse his voice for wobbling.

Greg chuckled darkly, “it was six years that you stole from me, now I’m collecting.”

“You only have yourself to blame.” Jess choked the words out over the lump in his throat.

Greg feigned surprise, “Is that what you’ve told yourself? Did you fool yourself into believing you were a victim? If you weren’t such a screw-up, I wouldn’t have to fix it. If I’m so terrible, why did your mother send you away and welcome me back with open arms? I mean…” his voice fading out as Jess waged a mental battle.

Logically, Jess knew what he was doing. The psychological tricks. But still, the doubt trickled in. Soon the words Greg was preaching reached that part of his mind that he buried but could never get rid of. He soon found himself agreeing with Greg’s harsh criticism.

“We’re gonna take a little ride,” the smile Greg gave him promised pain.

Jess shook his head no. Greg socked him in the stomach causing his body to bend forward. Then he grabbed ahold of Jess' arm and yanked him close so he could whisper in his ear, “you’re going to be quiet.” Keeping his grip on Jess' arm, they slipped out unnoticed. The only clue as to what had transpired was the paperback left lying on the floor.


He noticed one of Jess' books on the floor, that was odd enough considering how ‘sacred' they were to him. Then when he picked it up, he felt his heart skip a beat. Luke rushed back downstairs holding the fallen novel, trying not to panic.

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