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You don't return to Pogtopia until almost two weeks after the festival. You give Tommy his time to cool down and come to his senses and You and Techno spend the days gathering things for the revolution, You even manage to sneak into Manberg with him to try and gather what was left in your old home. 

You had found your house ransacked, chest opened and emptied all across the floor, all your emeralds and anything else that held any value that hadn't been in your enderchest were completely gone and your clothes were strewn about, nothing was left, all your potion items, it was all gone. You stared around the space you once called home and you felt strangely upset at the sight. You had so many memories within these walls, evenings spent baking cookies with Niki and Fundy, playing cards and drinking until sunrise, making breakfast for Tommy and Tubbo on days they'd struggle to find time to eat. It was the first home you'd ever had and seeing it in this state hurt. 

"We need to hurry." Techno had told you, his voice was soft, understanding behind you and you took a deep breath to steady yourself. He was right. You pulled the pack off your back and began packing what remained. You packed your clothes and your necessities into it, filling it with the small things that remained. Luckily for you your books were still there, though they were thrown around,  you were relieved to have them. 

Once you had all your things packed you came to stand next to Techno, admiring the place you once called home and giving it a silent farewell before the two of you crept back to your base through the shadows of Manberg. 


As you open the secret door to Pogtopia you're met with buttons, so many you can't even begin to count them. There are buttons of every possible wood and every possible stone, even warped and crimson buttons lining the walls. They're on the stairs and the walls as you descend the staircase and look at the ravine in its entirety it's been covered from wall to wall, floor to ceiling with buttons of every wood and every stone looming ominously. 

"What the hell?" Techno mutters. You're left speechless, your stomach in knots. This wasn't a prank, whatever it was it was from the opposing side. You find Tubbo tending to the farm in the ravine, humming a soft tune as he does so. 

"Tubbo?" You ask, startling him from his work but gaining his attention nonetheless. He places a sack of freshly harvested potatoes down against the wall and he ushers you and Techno inside, obviously nervous in the presence of the taller man behind you.

"Yes? What do you need?" He asks, giving you a lopsided hesitant smile. 

"Uhm what... what are all these buttons doing here?" You ask, looking around at the buttons that line the walls of the farm as well. All the colors are overwhelming for you and you hate it. The place looked so nice before this. 

"Oh! It's a funny story, really." Tubbo chuckles, scratching the back of his neck and looking around. He doesn't meet Techno's eyes, too scared to. "Uhm... so apparently Wilbur had planted TNT under Manberg and uhm... Schlatt... Schlatt found it and he said he had planted it in Pogtopia but... Fundy, who placed the buttons, turned out to be a spy who has been writing down Schlatt's every move and Dream betrayed us and is on Schlatt's side so it's us versus Dream and Schlatt."

"Hold on what the fuck?" You ask, wholeheartedly confused by the quick, brief explanation Tubbo gave. 

"So... Dream is with Schlatt? And Fundy is a spy?" Techno explains slowly, just as confused as you are. 

"Yes!" Tubbo exclaims. 

"Maker. So is there TNT under Pogtopia?"


𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Technoblade x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now