Chapter 1

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Legoshi wakes up from his little bed sitting up accidentally hitting his head into the top of the bed waking up jack. WHAAA I'm up I'm up are we late for school? Jack says. N-no jack we have the day off heh. Legoshi says as he gets out going to his drawer to grab his clothes.

Louis POV:
Ahhhh comfy bed~ Louis gets up only in boxers as he checks his phone looking at a app called "hungry animals". Hmmm some of these people are not as fat as I thought they would be but hasn't caught my interest. He looks at the locator in the app that says " Gainers near you". Finally they added this. Hmm there's one near me actually. Maybe I should text them. Louis sits down and starts typing.

Legoshi POV:
Legoshi goes to his app and gets a notification saying someone is wanting to text you. Legoshi accepts and sees the person typing in the chat.

Deerlover101: Hello there, I noticed you were close to me so I decided to speak to you.

Wolfy18: oh ok, so how are you?

Deerlover101: I'm ok just woke up.

Wolfy18: nice same here heh

Deerlover101: sooo I noticed you like mutual gaining relationships, I am the same heh

Wolfy18: oh that is cool heh, maybe we can meet up. I have nothing to do today. Want to meet up today.

Deerlover101: hmm ok let's do this!!!

Louis POV:
He gets excited being happy to meet this new person. He gets up and changes to some tight clothes showing every shape of his body. Hmm this will work maybe we can stuff each other today~. Louis gets a little aroused and grabs his wallet and card and phone getting ready to leave.

Legoshi POV:
Legoshi goes and changes into some tight black jeans and a light blue somewhat tight T-shirt. Hmm this will work heheh. Legoshi blushes and walks out with his phone and wallet.

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