Chapter 2

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Third POV:
As legoshi and Louis leave there rooms looking at there phones for there locatiobs they settled to meet at the town square which is filled with junk food and treats. As they walk they bump into each other looking at there phones saying they met each other.

Louis POV:
I look up and my eyes widen to see legoshi standing there with the same reaction as mine holding his phone. I start sweating. This is embarrassing. S-so heh are you wolfboi?

Legoshis POV:
Y-yes that's me, s-so I never knew you were into this kind of stuff Louis. I sweat trying to keep the convo going. I notice he is wearing very tight clothes which is getting me a little aroused. Ahem uh sooo... Want to go and get something to eat?

Third POV:
sure. Louis says. They both start walking leaving Louis ahead and legoshi behind making legoshi stare at Louis ass the whole time. Damn.. He kinda thick.. Legoshi says under his breath. They both make it to a bakery and walk inside looking at the menu. A cow girl walks over looking at them both. Well howdy what do you guys want from the menu? Louis gets closer and starts ordering. We will have 2 of everything here. Legoshi turns red as he hears that getting images of what's gonna happen. Louis decides to tease legoshi by bending down making his butt lift up making legoshi blush.

30 minutes later...

They get there food and they head back to the school walking to Louis room.

Legoshi POV:
I look around seeing how bigger his room is compare to mine. Wow your so lucky you get a personal room to yourself.

Third POV:
They both get settled in and they start opening there food looking at it in amazment. Wow this looks delicious. Louis says. They both start chowing down into there food enjoying every bite of it. A few minutes pass by as Louis is almost done with his making his belly bulge out from his shirt a little while legoshi is half way done. He pants as he trys to eat more. Cmon legoshi you possibly can't let a dear beat you in eating~. Well this is alot of stuff Louis heh your the one who ordered for me. Louis finishes eating as he pats his tight belly as gets up to sit next to legoshi and force feeds the wolf. Your gonna finish all of this for me understand~. Legoshi moans and blushes nodding while eating as his belly grows as well. 20 minutes go by as legoshi is finally finished with his food he pants loudly as Louis food already digested making his belly a little pugdy on this tight clothing. Hold on wolfy were not done here~. Louis gets up and goes to his closet and brings out 2 large barrels of some type of fattening mixture. Legoshi gulps and trys to escape but he's to heavy to go and Louis walks closer and shoved the tube into his mouth and his as well. They both start drinking the tasty drink as there clothes get tighter and tighter on them.

A few minutes pass by and there done with everything as Louis shirt rides up to the top of his stomach and shorts being way more tighter than usual while legoshis pants has little rip seams ready to burst. They both got bulging belly making them look pregnant. Louis gets up and grabs his phone to take a picture to post on the hungry animals app. He post is and it says "me and my new chubby baby boi~". Legoshi blushes as kisses Louis. Well that was fun right hun~. Louis says looking at legoshi. You can sleep in here with me tonight ok cutie?. Legoshi nods as they both get into bed and drift to sleep

A/n: hope you like it so far

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