Chapter 6

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Jack lays on his little bed looking at his phone viewing random livestreams until he see's one called "The big fat wolf". He gets curious and checks it out, as he opens the stream his eyes widen to what is there. Its his friend legoshi being force fed by the next beastar louis.

I-i better find him he could be in danger....Says jack.

Jack gets up and rushes out of the dorm room to find his now big furry friend. As jack looks in the stream and recognizes the room.

T-thats the room reserved for the beastar...?. Says jack.

Jack finally finds the room and notices its unlocked. He slowley opens it and peeks in a little and his eyes widen at what he saw.

Jack see's his friend on the bed being force fed while the deer is rubbing his belly.

This is what you all came for~. Louis says as he slaps the wolfs belly making him moan.

Legoshi tries to move as he see's jack peeking through the door as he mouths the words 'run its not safe'. But as he mouths that louis opens the door to see jack.

well. well. well~ look who we have here~. Louis grabs jack and closes the room and locks it as he straps jack down looking at him.

L-louis let me go please...Jack says as he tries to escape.

nuh uhhh~ you decided to be a hero and try to save your big friend over here~

(This wasn't published my bad now you know why jack is here)

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