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Legoshi looks at his frightened friend and as he does he manages to get up. Louis is away for a few cause of a meeting, legoshi takes his funnel off and waddles over to jack.

"Im so sorry jack you shouldn't have come here...it's my fault" legoshi says as he looks down ashamed.

Jack grabs legoshis cheek and looks at him. Jack couldn't speak due to the thing locked onto him he gives a somewhat forced smile.

"I-I'm worried cause you may stay like this forever jack and I don't know if you want that" Legoshi says.

Jack grabs a notepad and writes on it and shows it to legoshi.

It's ok legoshi I shouldn't have came here but now I don't have a choice, my tummy is so tight but there's nothing I can do and neither can you. I may be stuck like this but that's ok because at least I'm stuck here with you.

Legoshi tears up as he hugs jack while jack hugs back making loud gulps from the liquid being forced into his stomach.

During the meeting:
Louis finishes the meeting as he runs to a bathroom and locks it, as he does he lifts his shirt up showing a tight and strained corset on while he takes it off his belly flops forward.

"Shit man I think I need to stop gaining cause it's bad for the meetings" Louis says as he puts it back on.

"Thankfully there stuck in that room so I don't gotta worry" Louis says as his try's to pull up his pants but it gets stuck.

"S-shit not now please..." Louis strains as it pulls up but the zipper doesn't zip up. "Whatever I'll just cover it with the shirt" Louis leaves the restroom and heads back to the meeting.

Back in the dorm:

Jack keeps swallowing as his boxers get very tight on him, he starts whimpering as legoshi hears it while he crawls over.

"What's wrong jack? O-oh I see..." legoshi sees the boxers as there skin tight on jack.

Legoshi sits up as his boxers are loose showing his ass crack while he takes off jacks boxers.

"There you go nice and loose" jack sighs and his belly is the size of a beach ball.

Legoshi waddles back to his tube and plops down making the ground rumble. As he does jack writes on his paper.

Do you enjoy getting big like this? Cause I'm not a big fan of this but what choice do I have right hahah.

Legoshi reads this and sits next to jack as his belly flips onto his lap while he sweats and pants. "Yes I do enjoy it...it sounds weird I know but I just like getting big and round heh it makes me feel comfortable". Legoshi says as he hears jack gulping louder.

Jack gets his elbow and rubs legoshis belly. Legoshi moans in pleasure as he gropes his own man tits while he gets a boner.

"F-fuck I am so horny I have to wait for Louis to get back so he can suck me off or something." Legoshi says as he gets up as his boxers are full of sweat.

(Heyo idk if this is a longer chapter or not but I hope y'all enjoy it so far~)

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