Comfort in the silence

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I've always found comfort in the silence.

There was peace within me when I looked around and there was no one to be seen.

When I was younger I remember to go to the balcony in our house when I couldn't sleep at night.

I've always enjoyed looking at the moon and feeling the breeze pulling my hair out of my face.

I was a child of the moon, a follower of nature.

When I sat there at the balcony I would think that I had time.

The night was still young and even if it was at the middle it was a long time until the sun come up.

So wherever my problems were I knew there was a tomorrow and that I wasn't there yet.

Looking around and watching the city empty made me think that the time stopped and I was the only one awake... So I had time to think, to pause and to make decisions.

I needed time and space to focus on myself.

People were always pushing me to do something, to say something, to be something.

I didn't even know what I wanted to eat at lunch.

When a car passed by I thought about where they would go to.

I'm curious about people's goals and dreams and even though most people don't fascinate me there were always a few who still caught me by surprise.

Was he going to his job in another city? Maybe it was too far away so he had to go at night. Maybe it was his dream job so he didn't mind doing it, maybe he even enjoyed driving at night.

What if it was a girl? Going to her best friend's house crying on her shoulder after a breakup.

Was the car going fast or slow? Was it in a hurry or was it calm?

Was it a guy driving to confess his feeling to a girl?

Was it a group of friends celebrating a birthday?

How many stories could I think of?

Even if it was a very sad night for me or if I was dying of boredom, in that car was someone and for them that night could be meaningful and memorable.

I loved to dream.

Even when I'm awake I'm dreaming.

It's my form of escape from this world where I wish I didn't live in. So I try to focus on the good parts, on people's dreams.

Where there is pain, there is also pleasure.

Where there is hurt, there is also joy.

Sometimes we just have to dig deeper to find it.

That night someone died and someone else was born.

That night someone lost an old job and someone got a new one.

That night a couple broke up and another one started dating.

That night someone cried and someone else smiled for the first time in a long time.

There is still hope in the most hopeless places.

I like to watch the people that are awoke at night. Because I'm one of them.

And it's hard for me to relate to something but I relate to that.

I like to think that they understand me that they know why I chose not to sleep early that night, that they are also loners in the night wishing to find hope in the most common things.

I might not have achieved it yet, but I do have a dream and it's still night time so tomorrow I still have a new opportunity to make it real.

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