Why me?

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Hi!Nice to meet you!I'm about 16 years old and my world maybe way different from yours.My world is split in half.Half of it is Deminom world, and Half of it is Hydra world.Deminom's are the dark side oh the world, well to us hydra's.We perfer to call them Death Eaters.Hydra's are the assassin bright type of world.Deminoms live under Hydra's, and between us if the Fireflies.Fireflies love conflict and having to fight.Thats why they live in between the Deminoms and the Hydra's.

Long ago, when i was only about 3 weeks old, Deminoms and Hydra's were at war.When you get bitten by a Deminom, You turn into one.They were many who got bitten.My mom, my dad and my brother.I got bitten to but the weird thing is,I didnt turn into a Deminom.Instead I had this black scar that looks like a tatoo on my foot of a treble clef on my left foot.As I grew up, I started to understand why its a treble clef on my left foot.Deminoms like the opposite on a Hydra.Treble clef is for the right and its on my left foot.Anyway you probably asking how is this possible?How am i still a Hydra?Were my parents a Hydra?Well Yes, My parents are a hydra.2 is the person who bitten me didnt bite my all the way for the Deminom blood to go all through out my body and 3rd of all I'm a special kid.The person who bitten me was the lord of the Deminom.Anyone who gets bitten by the lord of the Deminom, Becomes insane.I lived through that bite.Why me? I dont know how and I dont remeber how i did it but i always ask myself, why me?I got pulled out of school because of my tatoo and sent to another one.I live with the king and queen Hydra, Sasha and Cory.Out in public people call them King and queen of course and I have to call them "Mom and dad".Urgh ;n;. Why do i have to be the special one?Why Cant i go to normal highschool like the other kids?Instead of highschool, I learn by owls.Yes owls.At least i get to start school late.Class starts at 10:00 am in the morning.An owl comes and explains to me the work and I do it.So far my Grades are

Math : A+

Positions: B+

Self Defense: A -

Social Media: C -

Urgh.Not my fault im a special one.People just run away from me when i try to make friends.So don't blame me when is get a C - .Sure I have fans and stuff but its hard talking to someone ever since i lost Mackenzie.We met when we were 5 and she didn't care one signle freaking bit that I got bit by a Deminom.We both wanted to go into Hydra's.When we were 12 - 14 she would always be my partner.When your about 12 - 14 you have to train to be worthy enough to join into side you want to.When your 15, its like a Vacation off from about 2 years of training.When your 16, you choose the side you want to go into.When Mackenzie and I were 16,We were in the choosing center.Sounds weird for a name but hey, I have to learn by owls so.When we were in a choosing center, they called the names up for choosing your side.When Mackenzie's name was called up, she stuttered on saying the side she wanted.She lip synced to me "Im So Sorry" and said " I Would like to join the Deminoms side".My heart Droped.I hated her for the rest of my life.Of corse, I still choose the Hydra's but when my name was called up for the choosing side, everyone started to whisper.I had no idea.Well thats the past now.My ugly past.I check the time over my hello kitty mint colored clock.11pm.Sure we stoped being friends but i still look at the stars at 11pm.I still think theyre beautiful as ever at 11pm.I look at them for a 3 or 4 mins and go to sleep.I cant stay up for to long or else I might as well sleep on my birthday.Oh did i mention my birthday was tomorrow?March 11th.

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