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Callum loved parties.

He looked around the hall, mentally debating whether to call his driver and leave, or stay and be the good host that he was expected to be. He sighed, but regained his posture almost immediately and did his best to put on a welcoming smile.

Callum really did enjoy throwing parties. He had money, and he loved showing it off. Where else would he spend it all anyway? But he had completely forgotten about this charity event that he was supposed to throw, and instead, went out clubbing the night before.

He was still hungover, and not in the mood to engage with a lot of people. But he had to stay and be the good host for atleast a couple of hours before he could attempt to sneak out. His presence wouldn't go by unnoticed even then, but eh, he desperately needed some shut eye.

Callum settled on getting a drink first, and then putting on his best show for the guests. The charity was important, it was a non profit organization that his mother had been a major part of since before Callum was even born. Ever since she passed away, Callum made sure to help out as much as he could.

"Whiskey. Neat." Callum said to the bartender that smiled and nodded. He looked to his right and noticed a well dressed man sipping a drink, his eyes dancing around the room.

Callum didn't recognise him, but then there were a lot of people he didn't know at such events.

"Here you go, sir." The bartender said, placing Callum's drink on the counter. At this, the stranger turned and looked at Callum. Callum picked up his drink and slightly raised it at the stranger with a nod, before gulping it down in a single go. The stranger smirked, but did the same, before calling for the bartender and getting another drink.

Callum's eyes stayed on him for a few more seconds before he pulled himself together, and went to work.


Callum took a peak at his watch. It had been four hours since the event started, and it was no where near close to ending anytime soon. He had initially  thought he'd leave after greeting and making small talk with a few people, but he didn't even get a single second to breathe, let alone enough to be able to sneak out.

"Mr. Kaufman!" Callum's head whipped towards the voice that called out his name.

"Ah, Paige, I'm so glad you could make it." Callum said, a smile on his face.

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world, bossman." Paige returned the smile.

"Remind me to put in your name for employee of the month," Callum grinned, "Enjoying the night so far?"

"Yeah! The shrimp is to die for." Paige replied.

"Are you here with your fiancé?" Callum asked.

"Oh no, I'm here with my brother. Dan couldn't get the night off work, something about putting in as many hours as he can before the wedding," Paige rolled her eyes playfully.

"Slaving away in the name of capitalism." A voice cut their conversation. Callum looked at the source of the interruption, immediately recognising the man as the one he had seen at the bar at the beginning of the event.

"Geez, Tuck, you're a part of it too, you know." Paige said.

"You can live in a system for survival and criticize it at the same time," The stranger, Tuck, as Paige had called him, shrugged, "It's not mutually exclusive."

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