Chapter Forty Four

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Everything seemed to be going back to normal. Of course, except that Callum's father was in custody and the elections for District Attorney were nearing and Tucker was freaking the fuck out. But at the very least, the two men had each other.

Tucker never told Callum why Joe warned him about Christopher Kaufman, apart from just that he was looking out for the young attorney. He didn't want to tell Callum that Joe thought this could sabotage Tucker's chances of winning the elections. Callum already had a lot on his plate, and Tucker didn't want this to be on his conscience too.

Tucker sighed in frustration as he entered his office, he had just escaped several reporters hungry for information. Everyone was interested in hearing what the up and coming prosecutor thought about his boyfriend's criminal father. Luckily, his reporter friend had already warned him about this, so atleast Tucker was prepared. Not that it helped much.

Everyone at work too, was looking at Tucker weirdly. It was a mix of suspicion, anger and pity. He was sure some people now thought of him as a hypocrite, since he was always so high and mighty about his morals, and now questions about them were rising.

Tucker never drank at work, but right now he wanted to. He wouldn't, of course, but the temptation was there.

Tucker also hated the fact that Dan wasn't there at work anymore. He had Aurora and Joe, but even Joe, despite being supportive had an 'I told you so' air around him. For the first time since the start of his career, Tucker felt alone and isolated at work. And he didn't know who or what to blame.

Despite everything, Tucker held his head high and started to work. Afterall, the criminals weren't going to find and provide proof of their crimes themselves.

Whenever Aurora entered his office, Tucker knew she was dying to ask him how he was. But she also knew one of the things the attorney hated the most was when people asked him whether he was okay when it was clear that he wasn't. Tucker just wanted to work, and Aurora respected that without him having to tell her.

The hours dragged on and on, but finally Tucker was done for the day. Aurora had already left a few minutes back, so he packed up his stuff, and left without bothering to even look at anyone else.

Tucker stopped by the supermarket to pick up some groceries. As soon as he reached home after his pitstop, he immediately freshened up and changed into some sweatpants. Callum was coming over for dinner, and Tucker had promised him some good homemade tacos.

"Even though my stomach feels like it's going to burst, I can probably eat another four of these." Callum groaned as he leaned back on his chair and stretched, before unbottoning his jeans.

"I have some brownies if you want." Tucker laughed as he got up.

"Oh god, I love you." Callum replied almost dreamily as he watched his boyfriend fetch him some dessert.

Once the two men were done with dessert, they moved to the couch in the living room. Tucker put on a random movie as they cuddled up with one another. Callum looked to his side and smiled at his boyfriend, Tucker smiled back before pulling Callum in for a kiss.

It didn't take long for the kiss to get more heated up, and before they knew it Callum was underneath Tucker with all their clothes off. Callum came in Tucker's hand, and Tucker finished in the condom after the last few thrusts. Tucker places a quick kiss on Callum's lips before getting up to dispose of the condom and wash up.

Callum followed him, and two men cleaned up. As they got ready for bed, Tucker felt like something was off. Usually Callum was very vocal during, and especially after sex. He can't remember a single time they had sex or did anything sexual, for that matter, without Callum making atleast a few cheeky remarks.

Tucker waited till they were in bed to ask him what was wrong, but Callum only sighed and pulled the attorney closer.

"I'm just worried." Callum said softly.

"About your father?" Tucker questioned before biting his cheek for asking such a dumb question. Tucker felt Callum nod against his skin, so he continued, "When's the first hearing?"

"In a few weeks," Callum answered, "They're moving him to another facility tomorrow morning."

"It'll all be over before you know it." Tucker tried to comfort Callum. It was a lie, and both the men knew it. Such cases usually took months if not years. But this is what Callum wanted to hear in the moment, so that's what Tucker said.

"I can't do this without you." Callum whispered. Even though the CEO had always been vocal about his feelings, especially ones towards Tucker, it was still rare for him to be so vulnerable.

"You won't have to do this without me. So no point in even thinking that," Tucker assured Callum only to be met by silence. Tucker frowned, there was still something going on and Tucker couldn't figure out what, "Babe?"

"Yeah," Callum said, his voice low, "I don't deserve you."

"Come on, Cal, don't say that." Tucker said, his frown deepening.

"No, no you don't understand." Callum sighed.

"Don't understand what?" Tucker asked.

"It's.. it's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Tucker replied, "Talk to me."

"You're just.. I don't understand why you're still with me." Callum admitted.

"Why won't I be with you? I've told you this before, Cal, your father's sins are not yours. I'm not going to punish you for something you had no hand in." Tucker said, making Callum tighten his grip around the attorney's waist.

"Do you love me?" Callum asked, catching Tucker completely off guard.

"I.." Tucker trailed off, trying to figure out what to say.

"I need to know, Tucker." Callum nearly begged, surprising Tucker with the hint of desperation in his voice.

"I don't know love, Callum. But what I feel for you is more than I've ever felt for anyone." Tucker was nervous.

Even though he had admitted to himself and others too that he loved Callum, for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to say it directly to the man. For a moment Tucker felt like Callum was going to get up and leave. But the billionaire simply let out a 'hmm' sound.

None of them spoke after that, within a few minutes Callum had fallen asleep, and Tucker listened to the sound of his breath as the clock kept ticking. It took probably a couple of hours for Tucker to pass out, but he did so eventually.

Tucker woke up earlier than usual. Callum was at the other end of the bed, tangled up in the blanket and spare pillows as he softly snored. Tucker smiled at the sight, and pressed a quick kiss to his boyfriend's forehead before getting up.

Tucker made himself some coffee as he sat down on the couch, scrolling on his phone and reading newsletters. After about thirty minutes, Callum woke up and joined Tucker in the living room.

"Good morning." Callum grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. Callum picked up the TV remote from the table before he laid down on the couch, with his head on Tucker's lap.

Callum switched on the TV, and settled on a news channel because he never understood why you would ready something when you can simply watch it. Tucker rolled his eyes at the comment, but smiled nonetheless.

Their smiles didn't take long to fall, as the news showed live reporting of Christopher Kaufman being transported. The man looked older than he did when Tucker met him, but his face was as stern as ever.

Tucker looked down at Callum, who was staring at the television screen with an unreadable expression on his face. Afterall, how is one supposed to feel when they see their father in handcuffs on live television, with people protesting around him and yelling what a terrible man he is. Apparently, one of his frauds included scamming people from their hard earned retirement funds.

Callum's father was about to enter the van in which he was supposed to be transported to the new facility, but before he could get on it, there was a loud bang. No one saw it coming, but in the blink of an eye Callum's father was laying limp in the arms of two officers, with his shirt stained red.


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